
things kids say

'He thinks his Groot impression will impress her': 20+ Moments of cringe that still haunt people years later

'He thinks his Groot impression will impress her': 20+ Moments of cringe that still haunt people years later

Kids and teens can't help but have a few embarrassing moments . Okay, maybe more than a few. As a kid, you're able to let loose and say and do pretty much whatever you want. Children usually know not to say bad words or talk back to adults. But there are a lot of nuances they don't understand, and a world of knowledge that they haven't had time to learn from. That's probably why it's so much fun to be around little kids while they're letting off steam, bouncing off the walls and babbling about…
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'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

We should really just let kids be kids . You only get so long to have a carefree childhood. As a child, you avoid adult responsibilities and can spend all day either playing or at school (and then playing once school lets out). That's your time to frolic in the grass, make up games, play on the playground, and run around with your friends. Knowing that you only get to be a child once, some teachers and parents are still crazy strict with their little ones. People who answered the question poste…
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20+ Relatable parenting moments

20+ Relatable parenting moments for frazzled parents with crazy kids

Parents, you deserve a nice break. You work so hard to keep your kids fed and cared for, and yet kids don't show much appreciation in return. There's no instruction manual attached to your child — you just have to figure it out as you go along. With advice from other parents , it helps to realize that you're not alone. Lots of people have kids just as crazy as yours! And they're all unique in their own quirky ways. Take a moment away from picking Cheerios out of the couch cushions and wiping ma…
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'She needs a time out': Karen gets shut down by a 5-year-old

There is nothing more brutally cutting than the honest remarks of a child. Their lack of filter and a forming understanding of the world can bring forth some surprisingly perceptive comments that no adult would ever dare think—let alone utter out loud. These comments are usually directed at family or caretakers. They can sufficiently ruin days and demolish the egos of those people. That alone can be a lot to handle, but when they're directed toward complete strangers, it can be humiliating. Tha…
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