Parenting Fails

grocery store

Scooch Over, Honey... We Need Room for Milk

shopping cart grocery store - 6683909120

Grocery Shopping is Tiring

grocery store grocery shopping kids parenting shopping cart - 8334923520
Via theCHIVE


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Driver! To Aisle 7! I Require Pop Tarts!

shopping grocery store - 7377734400
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It's Never Too Early To Show Your Kids How Cruel the Real World Can Be

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Good Point

costume clothes grocery store kids iron man parenting g rated - 8225641216
Via WordOfGav

Grocery Shopping is Tiring

nap kids shopping cart parenting grocery shopping grocery store - 8349866496
Via theCHIVE

You know, she raises a very good point here

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Reaching Out to Potential Clients

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Via carlinha1289

I'm All Lost in the Supermarket

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Very Funny, Kid...

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Via dietpoop

That's Exactly What Those Tiny Carts are Good For

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