Monday Thru Friday


Choose Your Window Art Carefully

monday thru friday art windows restaurant - 8411691264
Via I'm Ben Warheit

Stop Yelling at Me!

pop up windows windows 7 - 6280551168
Via Fail Desk

Windows IRL

IRL window windows - 4235549952
Created by BigDim

Wait, Nope, There Was a Java Update Right There!

java update windows update windows adobe - 6698646016

Can't Even Update a Bad Browser?

browser error message internet explorer support windows - 5379723264

"I Think This Job Leaves Me With a Narrow Outlook on Life"

monday thru friday remodel tiny windows - 8421793792
Via Ashleyrah

It's things like this that help you keep your sanity in cubicle hell

bored at work windows - 5444558080
Via Reddit

Not Cool, Now-Family-of-Three. Not Cool.

account dead family windows windows xp - 5141708544

That's One Strong Window!

windows glass monday thru friday g rated - 6050017024


motorcycle protection vista windows - 4015476480
Created by lordcantig
videos windows - 47473153

Windows You Are the WORST

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If You're Lucky Enough to Have a Window at Work...

Via Izismile

Windows Doesn't Want You to Learn

error message help windows - 5081256704
Created by Unknown


brutal cubicle fail depressing error error message failure honesty Sad sass screw you software stupid useless vintage windows wiseass wtf - 3758873856
Created by herooa

Ahh, The Good Old Days

Bill Gates microsoft nostalgia vista windows windows 7 Windows 95 xp - 6065330432

For That Refreshing OS Taste

cans drink operating system OS windows - 5945112832
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