Monday Thru Friday



accident awesome co-workers not barf basic instructions bathroom depressing dickhead co-workers disgusting gross hangover hate janitor mess nasty paper signs rage Sad screw you signage slovenly toilet graffiti - 3678500096


awesome co-workers not basic instructions coffee coffee pot cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads fridge battle fridge politics lazy movie quote office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive pulp fiction quote rage rude Sad sass screw you signage slovenly work smarter not harder - 3670648576
Created by Annie


basic instructions bathroom creativity in the workplace cubicle fail cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads gnar gross mess nast nasty paper signs passive aggressive pwned rage Sad sass screw you signage slob slovenly sneaky toilet graffiti wiseass - 3611371520
Created by Pat James


awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom busted crime scene cubicle boredom cubicle fail cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers DNA fridge politics gross hygeine lazy mess office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive sass screw you signage slob slovenly wiseass work smarter not harder - 3629882624
Created by Ckret


cat5 cat6 crazy disaster zone disorganized ethernet gross hardware hell insane it job security mess network networking punishment ridiculous sculpture slovenly Terrifying wtf - 3634339584


cables cat5 cat6 cubicle fail depressing dickhead co-workers ethernet FAIL fired half-assed hardware lazy mess networking osha router Sad screw you slob slovenly - 3610313216

Does this mean we can get hazard pay now?

basic instructions dickhead co-workers dickheads fridge politics kill yourself lazy mess microwave office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive pig sty Sad sass screw you signage slovenly work smarter not harder - 3242379776


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom bees clever depressing dickhead co-workers gross lazy mess official sign paper signs Sad screw you signage slobs slovenly Terrifying threat toilet graffiti wiseass - 3719018752
Created by Kurt


breakfast busted cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers DNA fridge politics gross lame lazy office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive rage Sad sass screw you signage slovenly sneaky spit troll wasteful wiseass - 3629494784
Created by Ckret


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom decoration dickhead co-workers feces flush gross mess paper signs passive aggressive pee pissing poop rage Sad sass signage slobs sloppy slovenly toilet etiquette toilet graffiti ugh wiseass - 3516127744


awesome co-workers not books busted cleanup cubicle fail depressing disaster zone disorganized ergonomics gross lazy mess Office osha pig sty Sad slovenly Terrifying - 3634334208


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads disgusting gross lazy mess paper signs plea poop pooping everywhere Sad signage slovenly splatter toilet graffiti - 3681099776
Created by KingAnonymous


announcement awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank depressing dickhead co-workers food fridge battle fridge politics lazy mess office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive pointless post it prank Sad sass screw you signage slovenly wiseass - 3679647488
Created by Neue_Regel


awesome co-workers not cubicle prank depressing desk dick move dickhead co-workers dickheads dickish disaster lazy mess paperwork passive aggressive pile prank rage Sad sass screw you sculpture slovenly wiseass - 3770641920
Created by Jaap Veerman


apathy awesome co-workers not basic instructions busted cling wrap crappy depressing dickhead co-workers jerk lame lazy mess passive aggressive pitiful plastic wrap recycle recycling Sad screw you shrink wrap slovenly wasteful - 3718308864


basic instructions bathroom cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads gross gum jackass paper signs passive aggressive Sad sass screw you signage slobs slovenly terrorists toilet graffiti urinal wiseass - 3637698560
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