Monday Thru Friday


You better point that gun someplace else. Ahhhh you're just happy to see me no worries. This "pinnacle" of human achievement has defined the modern world ever since it's inception, so if you like you're firearms, lock and load and get ready to have a blast.

COD: Office Warfare

awesome binder clips call of duty cod DIY gun pen pencil stapler - 4564816128


911 bummer compensation cubicle rage decoration depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads gun insecure knife lame nerd passive aggressive Sad sass screw you signage skeleton stupid wiseass work smarter not harder - 3647403520
Created by loldongs

Cracking Crème Brûlée, Office Version

gun stapler - 6048030464
Created by Unknown


awesome co-workers not boredom boss cubicle boredom cubicle fail cubicle rage dance dork gun nerd Sad Terrifying threat weapons weird wtf - 3680702720

Quick - Steal Her Gun

asleep guard gun police security - 6009330944


awesome co-workers not basic instructions busted compensation decoration depressing dickheads gun hardware paper signs passive aggressive redneck sass screw you sculpture signage Terrifying threat wiseass - 3716662784
Created by MTNScout

The Deadliest Ammo

fired gun product - 4829348864
Via The Merchandising Shop


awesome gun pens - 4121241344
Created by SooperDood223

Going "Office Space" On Your Computer

gun laptop Office Space - 5817872896


awesome co-workers not basic instructions celeb crazy cubicle boredom decoration dickhead co-workers gun herp derp movie reference mullet paper signs passive aggressive racist sass signage star wiseass - 3892235264


awesome gun pen rubber bands - 3803251968
Created by Owr rowr rowr

Feel Free To Hold On To Knife

gun mask robbery sign - 5968453120