Monday Thru Friday

grocery store

These Are Not the Jugs You're Looking For

monday thru friday sign milk lies grocery store - 8288994048
Via theCHIVE

Fun With Puns

monday thru friday puns grocery store g rated - 8390877952
Via danceswithwool

Because You Can't Put a Price on Self Respect

chicken grocery store store supermarket - 6240604928

Turtle Power

monday thru friday teenage mutant ninja turtles pop TMNT soda work grocery store g rated - 8120358400
Via Google

Sounds Delicious

banana grocery store monday thru friday sign work - 8153892608
Via The Bored Ninja

Go Ahead, I Dare You!

cashier checkout g rated grocery store Hall of Fame monday thru friday - 6336638720

It Was Less Irritating Than the Bell

cashier grocery store monday thru friday sign work g rated - 8100937984

Cleanup on Aisle Ten!

monday thru friday cheese mess grocery store - 8405972224
Via randeerule

Just Use Whatever Boxes We Have

Via @_youhadonejob

As in, It's Natural to Crave Cookies

monday thru friday sign work cookies grocery store - 8112998656
Via Google

Excellent Slogan

monday thru friday chicken slogan grocery store - 8316630528
Via Henderino

And So Succulent!

grocery store cash register monday thru friday work - 8177561856
Via The Meta Picture

Don't Leave Your Customers in Suspense!

monday thru friday sign grocery store - 8433388288
Via jumpingsquirrel

There Was an Incident...

grocery store lobster price monday thru friday sign g rated - 8229436672
Via Bro My God

Why Your Produce Stocker Shouldn't Be Colorblind

monday thru friday vegetables you had one job grocery store - 8377054464
Via Izismile

And Then He Complained to the Manager About Carts Hitting His Car

monday thru friday work jerk grocery store - 8075886336
Via Akatc