Monday Thru Friday


Stick a fork in it, and finish it off. Not to be mistaken with a cork, it's time to proclaim the superiority of the eating implement, and divider of choices. Left or right, right or wrong, sometimes things branch off, so take the time to appreciate the humor in it, before it's come and gone.

Office Swag: Making it Even Easier to Work Through Lunch Breaks

food fork knife lunch office supplies office swag pen spoon - 5311980800


broken clever ergonomics fork hack ingenuity lazy macgyver osha Sad water cooler work smarter not harder - 3313726464
Created by Keo

This Was All the Break Room Had to Offer

fork knife lunch monday thru friday there I fixed it work rubber band - 8196967680
Via DudeNeptune

Are People Taking Them Home?

monday thru friday missing fork restaurant g rated - 8426636544
Via Croxley Brooklyn

Nope, Thanks for Playing!

fork g rated monday thru friday packaging silverware spoon - 6300293888

Forgot Your Fork This Morning?

monday thru friday paper clip fork eating there I fixed it - 8372113664
Via The Bored Ninja

Office Swag: Utensil Pen Toppers

fork knife office swag salad spoon - 4577631232