Monday Thru Friday

false advertising

You Were Saying?

false advertising juice - 7829644288

Well, Technically it's True

labels false advertising - 7159215872

Why Must Bad Things Happen to Good People?

false advertising signs - 7383369472

False Advertising is the Best Advertising

false advertising funny sign - 7901002496
Created by RobinBobcat

Best. Pub Ad. Ev- Wait, No!

false advertising - 7790936832
Created by Memebez ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

This OJ Has an Identity Crisis

false advertising orange juice funny monday thru friday g rated - 7373142272

I Trusted You!

false advertising - 7582927872


advertising awesome basement batman billboard boredom clever comic book comics creativity in the workplace cubicle prank decoration derp false advertising hotel ingenuity lies motel official sign prank sass sign signage wiseass - 3686774272
Created by haphsaph