Monday Thru Friday

duct tape

Earn Your Masters in Engineering!

duct tape engineering flowchart - 5915013120
Created by LOLdogexpert

Just Get Some Duct Tape, It'll Be Fine

duct tape there I fixed it - 6878458880

That Should Do It

monday thru friday work duct tape - 8035730944

I Suddenly Lost the Desire to Go on Vacation

safety first airplanes duct tape vacation monday thru friday g rated - 7752263680

The Newest Door Lock

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A Major Selling Point

monday thru friday batman duct tape - 8286449920
Via Daily Picks and Flicks

Whoever did this is something of an evil genius

duct tape toilet paper - 5684701184

At Work I Be All Like...

headphones duct tape - 7377063936


bathroom creativity in the workplace decoration depressing dickhead co-workers duct tape gross hardware ingenuity mess nasty prank screw you toilet toilet paper wiseass work smarter not harder - 3749115904


busted computer creativity in the workplace Dell duct tape ergonomics ghetto hardware ingenuity lazy osha sloppy Terrifying tower work smarter not harder wrapping - 3351304192

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