Monday Thru Friday

basic instructions


awesome co-workers not basic instructions dickhead co-workers dickheads fridge politics office kitchen official sign paper signs passive aggressive racism screw you signage - 3436093440
Created by Gretchen


arithmetic basic instructions depressing idiocy lazy math multiplication official sign paper signs passive aggressive prices pricing Sad signage Smokey ugh work smarter not harder - 3695172352
Created by loldongs


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom dickhead co-workers dickheads gross mess official sign paper signs prank Sad sass signage toilet graffiti toilets warning wiseass - 3326777344
Created by Joel


basic instructions cubicle fail gross official sign osha poison signage trash can - 3176982272


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bulletin board cake cruel cubicle rage depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads food fridge battle fridge politics it it department mean office kitchen paper signs Party prank Sad sass screw you signage snacks the cake is a lie wiseass - 3796731648
Created by onlineamiga


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom clog clogged toilet crap cubicle fail depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads dumb gross mess official sign paper signs passive aggressive please-dont-poop-all-over-the-bathroom poop rage Sad screw you signage spelling error toilet graffiti toilet paper TP wasteful worst toilet clog ever - 3413462528
Created by El

St. Patrick's Day at the Office

alcoholism basic instructions bingo boredom clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom drinking drunk game irish paper signs Sad sass signage St Patrick's Day whiskey wiseass work smarter not harder g rated - 3299213312


basic instructions bathroom busted cubicle fail depressing dumb error FAIL hardware misspelling paper signs Sad screw you signage spelling fail toilet toilet graffiti wtf - 3647058944
Created by Not Dumb Enough for Management


basic instructions boring busted button buttons cubicle fail demon evil ghost hardware lame magic scary telephone Terrifying weird - 3786452480
Created by Ashley M


argument awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom childish cubicle boredom cubicle prank cubicle rage dickhead co-workers dickheads freezer fridge battle fridge politics get a life kill yourself loser mess office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive prank rage Sad sass screw you signage soda wiseass - 3359745024
Created by jriley1087


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom boredom cubicle boredom dickhead co-workers dickheads gross lame mess paper signs passive aggressive prank Sad sarcasm sass screw you signage Terrifying toilet graffiti wiseass - 3272280832


awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle fail decoration herp derp movie quote not actually funny sorry paper signs passive aggressive sass screw you signage wiseass - 3843646720
Created by Chooi


basic instructions busted creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle fail get it lazy old paper signs passive aggressive printer Sad signage - 3249578752
Created by Chris


addiction barf basic instructions boredom clever coffee creamer creativity in the workplace cubicle prank decoration food fridge politics gross hand sanitizer kitchen lube office kitchen paper signs prank pump sass screw you signage warning wiseass - 3772836864


awesome co-workers not basic instructions cubicle rage dickhead co-workers dickheads fired paper signs rage sass screw you signage temperature thermostat threat warning - 3726819328
Created by beefonwick


awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom busted cubicle boredom cubicle prank cubicle rage decoration depressing dickhead co-workers gross mess official sign paper signs prank sass screw you sex signage warning wiseass - 3837156352
Created by slaughter

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