Monday Thru Friday


Toilet Instructions

basic instructions bathroom busted depressing dickhead co-workers dickheads disgusting easy joke feces fingerpainting gnar gross kill me mess nast paper signs poop pooping everywhere rage Sad sass savages screw you signage Terrifying ughhhh - 3660531200
Created by Jordana


awesome co-workers not boredom chair cling wrap cubicle boredom cubicle prank desk dickhead co-workers dickheads dumb fax lame mess plastic wrap prank pwned rage Sad screw you stupid unoriginal prank i hate you guys unoriginal wasteful wiseass wrapping - 3390647296
Created by smarti22


awesome co-workers not basic instructions bathroom creativity in the workplace depressing dickhead co-workers fired with cause gnar gross mess osha paper signs Sad sex signage toilet graffiti work smarter not harder yuck - 3811719680


boredom cardboard clever construction creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle rage decoration depressing fort ghetto gross hobo homeless ingenuity mess osha passive aggressive Sad shanty trashy warning sign work smarter not harder wrapping - 3489082624


anthropomorphic boredom cartoons cartoon eyes cubicle boredom decoration depressing face hardware laser printer lonely personification post its printer Sad sculpture - 3888585984


awful bathroom comic sans disgusting feces gnar gross janitor mess paper signs passive aggressive pwned request Sad signage toilet toilet graffiti toilet paper tragedy wipe wiseass - 3702816256


architecture boredom boring business cards creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom heroes Sad sculpture waste of time - 3388460032
Created by CBT


badge boredom bummer creativity in the workplace Cry For Help cubicle boredom cubicle fail decoration depressing doodle drawing hanging inspiration motivation name tag noose plea for help Sad sharpie stick figure suicide - 3737076736
Created by Syafiq Hazmie


addiction awesome co-workers not basic instructions boredom bunny coffee cubicle rage dickhead co-workers dickheads fridge politics office kitchen paper signs passive aggressive rage Sad sass screw you signage threat wiseass - 3412214784


anthropomorphic art awesome boredom bunny clever creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cubicle prank dickhead co-workers murder nightmare Sad sculpture snowman trash wiseass - 3303189248
Created by Saberus


basic instructions clueless derp lost lost and found paper signs poster Sad signage - 3574078976


alien boner boredom candy cubicle boredom cubicle fail decoration disney dumb error lazy mess Movie pedobear post it Sad screw you sexual harassment wiseass - 3845605888
Created by Joshburton


anthropomorphic art boredom cartoons creativity in the workplace cubicle boredom cup decoration depressing dickheads doodle drink personification Sad sculpture soda straw styrofoam TV work smarter not harder - 3616559872
Created by Diana


busted clever creativity in the workplace cubicle fail epic FAIL invoice Sad typo wasteful - 3279463680
Created by Chris


accident basic instructions cubicle fail dangerous ergonomics hazard lazy osha paper signs pwned Sad signage - 3211559936
Created by Aria


depressing devil machine health medicine office kitchen Sad vending vending machine work smarter not harder - 3642868992
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