
video game

Pumpkin-omb WIN

carving mario nerdgasm pumpkins Super Mario bros video game - 5273931264
Via reddit

Hyrulian Flash Drive WIN

flash drive legend of zelda nerdgasm shield thumb drive video game zelda - 5270412288
Via Geeks are Sexy
musical nerdgasm Skyrim Video video game - 28939265

Song of Skyrim WIN

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Potions WIN

health nerdgasm video game - 5364822528

Halloween Pumpkin Spooktacular WIN

carving halloween nerdgasm pop culture pumpkins sculpture video game - 5368248832
Via Reddit

Play the Game WIN

classic controller hacked soccer sports video game - 5095018240

Minecraft WIN

answer clever minecraft nerdgasm test video game - 5517993472
Created by RobKone


castle minecraft nerdgasm video game - 5386973440

Refreshing PUNCH WIN

drink falcon punch nerdgasm video game - 5132617216
Created by kenji_harima

Protest WIN

Occupy Wall Street police Protest sign video game - 5416187648

Lego Game Boy WIN

DIY gameboy lego modification nerdgasm video game - 5266341888
Created by ThisIsAMeme
hack mario modification nerdgasm nintendo pixel Super Mario bros Video video game - 25772801

Super Pixel Bros WIN

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Portal Socks WIN

boots clothing fashion nerdgasm Portal socks video game - 5160428800
Via Geeks are Sexy

Pacman Guitar WIN

guitar Music nerdgasm pacman video game - 4896006656
Created by sixonefive72

PokeMother Nature FTW: Pikachu Sunrise

beach mother nature ftw nintendo ocean pikachu Pokémon pop culture sunrise video game - 5304907264
art drawing nerdgasm salt time lapse Video video game zelda - 26426881

Salt Art WIN

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