

Make sure to check the tape, just make sure its not Spinal Tape. We might never get rid of that. Take your puns to the next level with these sticky puns and jokes all about tape.

Boom Box WIN

design tape art perspective - 6653739264

Fixing It WIN

duct tape repair tape there I fixed it - 6497480448

Tape Art WIN

art design office supplies tape - 5654104832
Via My Modern Met

Cassette Bag WIN

fashion bag cassette tape - 6796660992

Too Invisible WIN

office supplies invisible tape - 6819809024

Here's What a Little Tape and Some Creativity Can do For Your Room

design decorations tape g rated win - 8004325632
Via Reddit


ads funny moving pranks tape tips truck - 4657917952

The Packaging Doesn't Lie

office supplies literalism invisible tape - 8009632512

Tape Art WIN

gif art design cassette perspective funny tape - 7782597376

Beatles Tape WIN

art beatles cassette design Music portrait tape - 5555284736

Tape Art WIN

art decoration floor tape - 6284760320
Via Neatorama

Packing Tape WIN

office swag pun tape - 6121053696
Via Buy Some Here!

Please Flip WIN

bear package sign tape - 6469698048
Created by Unknown


hacked sign swear tape - 4170117120
Created by Unknown

Hacked IRL: I'm Sorry, He's Not In Right Now

batman hacked sharpie signs tape - 4553531392
Created by Unknown

Handy Hack WIN

repairs handy DIY tape - 7039551232
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