

An Irish Bus Driver's Act of Kindness Will Cheer Up Anyone's Cynical Mood

heartwarming facebook image bus driver in Cork Ireland tied old woman's shoes for her
Via Clara O'Brien

It's Just The Onion Making Me Cry

Via skymachine

This Long Love Story About A Husband Cycling From India To Sweden For His Wife is Worth the Happy Tear You'll Have By the End

cute social media viral facebook India to Sweden love story
Via Satyanarayan Patri
Thief roommate gets tricked into dying clothes | r/pettyrevenge Posted by u/nothesame 5 days ago She kept stealing my washing powder so gave her dye don't mind my roommates borrow my stuff all been there. All ask is they replace they take drink my milk? Just buy new milk s as simple as Unfortunately my roommate doesn't seem get this. She keeps taking my stuff and ask her please replace everything she takes she'll buy one new thing and "forget do next time despite having more money than .

Stealing Roommate Gets Clothes Dyed for Free

Hey cool, free dye.
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marriage feels legos love story - 79486209

For His Wedding, This Dude Used LEGOs to Tell the Story of How He Met the Love of His Life

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Tumblr thread on customers crazy coffee orders | say this jokingly but had customer actually order pumpkin spice latte with 9 shots espresso (also no whip) and asked her verify she did indeed want 9 shots espresso she looked dead eyes and said have 5 kids" witchcraft-with-space-bean once had woman come and ordered an Americano with 19 shots espresso drink took ages held up line asked

Tumblr Thread: Customers' Mythically Powerful Coffee Orders

It's some kind of monster.
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story about a cat mom bringing her kittens to meet the woman who helped her and saved them thumbnail includes one picture of a black cat and her six kittens 5 of them black and the other light

Stray Cat Brings Her Kittens To Their Human Savior

The babies would have died if not for the help of the woman
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toilet paper bathroom toilet story funny - 1578757

Bro's Typical Bathroom Outing Comes to Screeching Halt With Amazing Toilet Paper Plot Twist

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story about a giant panda cub in a Chinese zoo being named 'little miracle' Xiao Qi Ji thumbnail includes one picture of a tiny panda cub

Giant Panda Cub Gets Named And Its A True 'Little Miracle'

Xiao Qi Ji = Little Miracle
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grandma refuses to learn grandson's name so grandson says her name wrong | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/notmyname2020_ AITA calling my grandma by wrong name until she gets my name right? Not hole This has going on since forever so decided do something 16m) half Mexican my dad's side and my mom's side is Scottish. Ngl most my mom's family is high key racist and is been problems sometimes growing up. My grandma on my mom's side never liked my dad and happy

Grandma Won't Learn Grandson's Name So He Mispronounces Hers

It's the least one could do.
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These Exceptional Amazon Reviews For The Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer Will Make Your Day

Via Amazon

Nail WIN

art hardware marriage nail photography story tools - 5220670976
story Video - 84865025

Matthew McConaughey Tells the Amazing Story About the One Time His Dad Won a Motorbike in a Literal Pissing Contest

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troll plays dude legendary

Thirsty Dude Goes Nuts After Getting Played By Legendary Troll

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Manly WIN

BAMF cool story bro manly news story - 5986162688
Wholesome helpful neighbor Tumblr story | keuhkopussirotta first doing laundry my new home building spontaneously threw shirt wearing there as well because frankly only do laundry l've run out clean clothes and shirt last had sitting there, shirtless, studying washing machine person whose laundry had been here last came retrieve his own. Casually, trying act like my shirtlessness nothing out ordinary asked him if clothes drying up on line were his. He confused, and realised he not fluent

Tumblr Story: Wholesome Neighbor Is Helpful for No Reason

See, people can be nice to each other.
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