

creations that are skillfully made but weird and bad taste | road map carpet inside a car | porta potties stacked on top of each other and wrapped in Christmas lights

Impressive Creations Of Questionable Taste

Yeah, no, it's uh... good.
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funny work memes | job is pointless but still need money fish mopping the ocean floor | after long day pretending like people sleepy and tired Judy Jetson putting on a fresh mask of her face

Work Memes to Slow Down Productivity

It'll get done eventually.
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Funny person trolls scammer with absurd made-up neighbor drama until he gives up | Hello is neighbor with some car trouble can assist My neighbor am experiencing car trouble and left my wallet mistakingly at home Is this Jeff? Yes Oh should've said so can just grab wallet and bring am far away bring could send Apple Pay and will pay back shortly Absolutely, Jeff type neighbor would be if didn't help out. Right Thank just send amount 50 this number did change number though, Jeff just spoke

Frustrated Scammer Trolled with Made-Up Neighbor Drama, Gives Up

How do you gain this power?
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memes about brothers and sisters that we love even if we would never admit it

The Perfect Memes To Share With Your Siblings

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funny mad lads who broke small rules and did tricky shenanigans | rev. dylan @DylanRoss my 11 year ban yahoo chess expires today Rnnme Dlavare Nnline Fallure Connect EDIT have failed connect following reason have been barred logging into this room until Thu Dec 31 23:59:59 PST 2020. oms rom this lis OK Giraffe Field

Mad Lads Who Didn't Let The World Get In Their Way

Sometimes you've gotta risk it all.
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grandma refuses to learn grandson's name so grandson says her name wrong | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/notmyname2020_ AITA calling my grandma by wrong name until she gets my name right? Not hole This has going on since forever so decided do something 16m) half Mexican my dad's side and my mom's side is Scottish. Ngl most my mom's family is high key racist and is been problems sometimes growing up. My grandma on my mom's side never liked my dad and happy

Grandma Won't Learn Grandson's Name So He Mispronounces Hers

It's the least one could do.
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Magazines Juxtaposition WIN

clever juxtaposition lol magazines - 4872073216
posts about cats on catnip thumbnail includes two pictures including a cat covered in catnip doing a blep 'Catnip induced blep u/denrae-' and another of a shocked cat holding someone's arm 'Teefies on some kinda super catnip u/TomieTomyTomi'

Cats On Catnip: The Madness Continues

hilariously delirious
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funny tweets, twitter, funny, memes, witty tweets, jokes, fresh tweets, relatable tweets, comedy, lol, covid-19 | Zack Budryk @BudrykZack single most important thing man can do be an ally is give his woman friends permission give dudes at bar his number so they call he can angrily say 's not funny because she died 15 years ago very night

36 Fresh & Funny Tweets For Easy Scrolling

A collection of some of the funniest recent tweets
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why feral hogs in america aren't a joke

30-50 Feral Hogs: Why This Isn't a Joke

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cute and funny dog snapchats - thumbnail includes two images one of sweet dog hugging human "if say you will never leave me had a face" and one of an annoyed-looking dog "I think my dog is just done with our trip"

Bright And Happiness-Filled Doggo Snaps

Always a pleasure
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Tumblr thread on customers crazy coffee orders | say this jokingly but had customer actually order pumpkin spice latte with 9 shots espresso (also no whip) and asked her verify she did indeed want 9 shots espresso she looked dead eyes and said have 5 kids" witchcraft-with-space-bean once had woman come and ordered an Americano with 19 shots espresso drink took ages held up line asked

Tumblr Thread: Customers' Mythically Powerful Coffee Orders

It's some kind of monster.
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awesome product lol photoshop - 4216005888
Created by sixonefive72
funny memes, relatable memes, normies, funny tweets, twitter, twitter memes, memes, shitposts, 2020 memes, depression memes, relationship memes, lol | 42 days until 2021 still processing my childhood illustration of a man with a knife threatening another man | Human cuts lawn Grass releases smell save itself Humans: Joke's on l'm into shit Skeletor

41 Relatable Memes & Tweets For Proud Normies

Not for edgelords
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customer realizes they've been scammed 6 years later | u/kingsooraj 7 hours ago TIFU by realising got scammed 6 years ago M So this happened 6 years ago. My laptop with 8 GB RAM stopped working so showed repair guy. He took laptop, repaired and returned after 2 days laptop started working again and really happy. However speed felt slower than before. Previously could open multiple chrom tabs and still be able play games while they were open but now would drop lot frames and my laptop would start

Customer Realizes They Were Scammed 6 Years Later

Better late than never?
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australia national anthem lol - 76036097

This Adorable Aussie Kid Battles His Way Through The National Anthem With Hiccups

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