
work culture

antiwork toxic-work-views work culture boomer-grandparents millennials toxic-generational-views millennial-employee toxic-mother-in-law baby boomers mother in law gen z boomers mil boomer-mother-in-law workforce Reddit millennial-parents - 20048901

'I pointedly told her that I AM a millennial and...': Boomer MIL thinks millennials don't want to work, hardworking millennial son-in-law puts her in her place

It is another classic boomer vs millennial dilemma . Here we have a millennial son-in-law having to stand up for his generation (yet again) to his boomer mother-in-law who calls anybody younger than her a millennial, and millennials are lazy folk who don't want to work. This story takes place in an amusement park. A millennial family with the boomer grandparents included, took a spring vacation to an amusement park. The park had just opened for the season, so it wasn't as full of visitors, but…
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management retaliation-firing two weeks notice toxic-manager work culture toxic-nonprofit how-to-quit i quit toxic-boss workplace quitting - 20025605

'Management Uno reversed them': Entire team quits toxic workplace simultaneously, management "rejects" resignations and fires them anyways

In the U.S., each state has their own employment laws to protect both employers and employees. Unfortunately, employers are the ones with all the money, so things tend to fall in their favor over the hardworking employees. Recently, a woman shared her quitting saga on her TikTok. She worked for a non-profit that used business practices that she said “did not align” with her ethically. The work environment became more and more toxic and her and her entire team had had enough. You can see this ha…
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employee gets unfairly skipped on a promotion he planned on getting after working hard for years to a nepo-baby who got hired because he has political connections in the compant

'Don’t fall into the middle manager trap like I did': Senior Employee Trained for Specific Promotion Gets Burned by Company When They Hire Inexperienced Nepo-Baby Instead

Working your way up in a company usually means ending up in a middle management position at least for a good little while. Starting from the bottom of the pyramid means you have a longer way to work up, but it isn't impossible. So you work hard and harder until it would be absolutely bonkers for you not to make your way to the top of the pyramid. However, some people skip some steps in a very unfair way because of nepotism. If you don't know what nepotism is, it's basically when people get hire…
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employee exacts petty revenge when he maliciously complies to his toxic upper management rules and gets five-day weekends for an entire year

‘Don’t Want Me to Have Three-Day Weekends? Don’t Mind if I Do’: Employee Combines Petty Revenge With Malicious Compliance and Gets 5-Day Weekends All Year in Spite of Toxic Bosses

Working from home is quickly becoming a very common practice. Since the pandemic in 2020 forced everyone to stay at home, companies finally started to see how work still got done. It's now considered an antiquated way of thinking if you force your employees to come to an office every single day to do work they could perfectly do from home. Many millennials and Gen Z are even refusing to do jobs that aren't WFH. Recenly, a man took to Reddit to share his satisfying petty revenge/malicious compli…
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A Weekly Batch of Tired Memes for the Broke Crowd to Celebrate Future You Quitting Your Job

A Weekly Batch of Tired Memes for the Broke Crowd to Celebrate Future You Quitting Your Job

Future you is very excited.
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‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

‘Sorry to Break It to You, Our Work Culture Sucks’ : 20 Funniest Memes for the Broke Crowd Who Live for the Weekend

There are few people in this world who can honestly say that they actually enjoy their jobs. Most of us just kind of exist in this black hole called existence and try not to stir stuff up with HR or yell at our office Karen. If you work in retail, you try not to end up in the News for jumping at a customer. You count every day leading up to the weekend, and tell your coworkers that you are ‘definitely quitting this year’. 2023 is basically as stressful as 2022, and we're only a few days in… A l…
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Professional Consultant on TikTok Sparks Conversation About Red Flags in Managers

Professional Consultant on TikTok Sparks Conversation About Red Flags in Managers

Micromanaging obviously made the list, but why is having been only at the company your entire career on there?
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