

childcare daycare babysitter job kids unrealistic work underpaid nanny babysitting screenshots family funny parents wild - 25451781

Nanny shares the wildest job offers she's received from parents: 'That's $4.50 an hour per family... no thank you!'

Being a nanny can be a rewarding job, but as with any job, there are always some wild offers that come your way. This nanny in particular has had her fair share of crazy job offers she's received from parents, and they are sure to leave you scratching your head. One offer she received was from a family who wanted her to work 60 hours a week for $30k/year, and another family that tried to lower her rate from $22/hour to $4.50/hour. And the best one yet: a family offered to pay her...
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insane crazy marriage secret creepy story creepy interesting wife ex off my chest husband computer Reddit laptop married true crime wild betrayal - 25039621

Married man finds a secret folder on his wife's laptop where he makes a spine-chilling discovery: 'There were over 300 photos of MY ex'

Pretty sure this is the premise of a couple true crime stories...
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karen karens karen-story story karens-in-the-wild wild snow snow-tires winter snow-day mechanic minimum-wage work employee worker reddit petty-revenge

'I just lost it laughing': Karenzilla accosts a minimum wage worker and tries to steal another customer's snow tires; gets put in her place and run out of the store

Snow season is upon us in the northern States and like they do every season, some residents seem to have forgotten the importance of appropriate snow-gear. Somehow every year, there are procrastinators (who are apparently incapable of checking the weather forecast) that are neglecting to make appropriate arrangements for the upcoming snow days. Karens everywhere are ready to accost their local minimum wage workers, morphing into their final form as the rudest, most entitled customers in town.
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20+ employees open up about the wildest things their co-workers have said

'He's now in jail': Colleagues open up about the wildest things their co-workers have said to them

You know, I've always been one of those people who can't help but wonder what's really going on inside the heads of my co-workers, especially over the years. I mean, there's got to be some juicy stories they've never shared with anyone, right? And just imagine for a moment, what if you could actually read their minds? Hear all those outrageous, hilarious, or downright shocking confessions they keep hidden! Then, I stumbled upon this Reddit thread that's all about the craziest things co-workers…
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sandwich karen karens coworkers workers work workplace disrespect disrespectful revenge petty karens-in-the-wild reddit reddit-thread lunch

'I was fed up': Gaggle of Karens harangue sandwich shop workers; jaded employee buys their meal for themselves and literally eats their lunch

The most insulting thing you can do to another kid in grade school is eat their lunch. You reach over, belligerently grab their sandwich, and take a bite right in front of them just to prove that you have power over them– Countries have gone to war over less. In this case, one sandwich shop employee did the unthinkable and took the ultimate sandwich-revenge when a group of Karens pushed him over the edge.
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deer, attack, deer attack, wild animal, wild, savage, insane, video, crazy, animal attack, attack, wilderness, antlers, elk, hunting, game, prey, dangerous, sketchy, crazy video

Neurotic Woman Smacks a Deer With Her Purse Then Gets Attacked, Sparking Debate in the Comments

Did she handle this right or nah?
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'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karen's Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

'Don't You Dare Snap Your Fingers At Me!' : 2 Wildly Entitled Karens Wrongly Go After Woman Who Isn't Actually An Employee, Spark Major Conflict As A Result

Woe to those who encounter a Wild Karen in their lifetime. If you've ever entered a Wallmart or a fast food restaurant such as Mcdonald's, you'll find that it's basically unavoidable. We often find ourselves wondering… what goes on in a Karen's mind when things don't go their way? How does their brain scan look? And where the heck did they get the courage (or rather, audacity) to approach others in such an entitled fashion? We may never have the answers to all these important questions, but we…
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'Woke Up And Chose Lying' : Most Unbelievable Things That Happened, Literally

'Woke Up And Chose Lying' : Most Unbelievable Claims, Literally

Sure that happened.
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moose, meese, mooses, moose attack, wild moose, hiker, hiking, hiking accident, dangerous, crazy video, dog, dogs, dog video, australian shepherd, aussie, cute dogs, herding dogs

Australian Shepherd Herds an Enormous Wild Moose onto the Hiking Path, Spooking and Nearly Stomping His Owner

The moose is so offended
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bear, bear attack, black bear, attack, animal attack, animal encounter, wild animals, wild, crazy video, fist fight, climb, climber, mountain, mountaineering, manly

Climber Gets Attacked by a Bear and Nearly Falls Off a Cliff in an Epic, Unbelievable Fist Fight

His friends would never believe this without video proof
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small business, shoplifting, shoplifter, stealing, thief, theft, lingerie, merchandise, retail, public freakout, karen, fail, public transport, justice, justice is served, crazy, insane, insane video, viral

'Let's play a game called, look in the thief's purse': Small business owner follows a shoplifter home after catching her stealing merchandise

Oh, how the tables turn
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Scary and ominous warning signs

Spooky Signs That Mean Serious Business

Freaky, but thanks.
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WTF things said by teachers | mylifeasblue 16.5k points 4 days ago She read out my name and looks at and says parents named this?

Wild and Awkward Junk said by Teachers

Some teachers were... interesting.
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Strange, funny, weird and WTF images | a child hiding under the dashboard in the passenger seat of a car while a llama sticks its head in | woman taking a photo of another woman posing in front of a fake tropical beach backdrop

Dumb and Weird Stuff from the Crevices of The Internet

Yes, thank you internet.
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WTF and crazy things people did to spite their Ex spouse during a divorce | JortsEnthusiast69 4.7k points 2 days ago Once had boss who had leave his house 6 hours while his ex wife grabbed all belongings she legally entitled too he returned home every knob and handle gone. Door knobs, cabinet handles, drawer handles, anything screwed onto something and used open she had taken. Every day next week he would occasionally yell out "SHE TOOK FUCKING KNOBS"

Wild Stuff Divorced People Did to Spite Their Ex

Peoples' pettiness has no bounds.
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Pictures of wild animals taken at night.

Funny and Weird Night Photos of Animals Taken By Camera Traps (9 Images)

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