

‘This was his response’: Resident requests neighbor leave more space in driveway for mother who is visiting in a wheelchair, neighbor blocks it instead

‘This was his response’: Resident requests neighbor leave more space in driveway for mother who is visiting in a wheelchair, neighbor blocks it instead

If someone requests you make their handicapped mother's life easier, then there is no question that you should absolutely do so. Especially if all they ask you to do is park your car somewhere else. Preferably not on their driveway. More preferably not on the road that leads to their house, which would obstruct them from accessing their own vehicle easily. This person uploaded a story to Reddit where they explained how their neighbor was purposely making their life harder. Their handicapped mot…
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'She tried to push me out of my chair and take it': Elderly woman tries ejecting young man from wheelchair in supermarket after he refuses to give it to her

'She tried to push me out of my chair and take it': Elderly woman tries ejecting young man from wheelchair in supermarket after he refuses to give it to her

Public spaces always give me the ick. There are too many people strutting about, scanning the busy streets for strangers to tell their woes to. This would not bother me so much if I didn't always end up the target of a long, drawn-out conversation about how much someone hates their boss, how their kids are acting up in school, or how their cat ran away (again). Maybe I have a wholesome, 'Please approach me and tell me your life story' face, or maybe these people just take a random pick from the…
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mom moms mother mothers motherhood parenting parents parent wheelchair son handicapped disabled parking doorman hotel

'My mum got in his face': Parent stands up for her wheelchair-bound son, flexing the full power of their car's handicapped sticker as petty revenge on a stickler doorman

Handicapped people get dibs on the choice parking spots– and they deserve to! Life is hard enough when you're struggling to be mobile, the least the rest of society can do is let you park right in the front. For most folks, it is second nature to be lenient to people with disabilities, even if there is no technical handicapped spot, but for one doorman, a real stickler, the rules of the street would NOT be bent on his watch.
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karens wheelchair karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen - 19998725

'What about the wheelchair you're sitting in?': Tired old Karen requests wheelchair user's wheelchair so she can shop without having to stand

We all know that Karens can be audacious, to say the least, but have you ever come across a Karen who tried to take a wheelchair from someone who actually needs one?
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'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

'You sure have an accessibility problem now!' : Man takes petty revenge on entitled rich dude who decidedly parks new Corvette in designated handicapped space

Parking in a handicapped space is not only against the law, but it also goes against basic human morals and demonstrates some shocking nerve. One man was shopping with his daughter who needed a wheelchair for her disabilities. As he was loading her chair into the car, an entitled, very obviously not disabled man pulled up in a new Corvette with his girlfriend.
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AITA: ‘She won’t attend the wedding and it’s all your fault’ : Entitled Lady Unfairly Demands Sister Pay For Her Daughter’s Wheelchair Rental Fee, Leading To Family Dispute

AITA: ‘She won’t attend the wedding and it’s all your fault’ : Entitled Lady Unfairly Demands Sister Pay For Her Daughter’s Wheelchair Rental Fee, Leading To Family Dispute

Family weddings always lead to drama, one way or another. This time, a woman took to the r/AITA subreddit, seeking Redditers' opinions about her ‘selfish sister’ who was getting married, and picked a venue that wasn't up to par with this woman's expectations regarding wheelchair accessibility. See, the woman's daughter had disabilities, and the wedding would be held at the beach, in the sand. That is not exactly wheelchair friendly… To be fair and even out the playing field a little, it's impor…
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HOA tells disabled veteran to tear down wheelchair ramp

HOA Demands Guy Tear Down Neighbor's Wheelchair Ramp

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legos kitten wheelchair sweet Video aww - 79997441

K'Nex Parts Help Paralyzed Kitten Run and Play for the First Time

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riot fight wheelchair basketball Video - 79959809

A Huge Fight Broke Out at a Wheelchair Basketball Game Because People Are the Worst

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Motivation, Only $2

Via Browncardigan

A Clever Shirt For a Lame Government

A Clever Shirt For a Lame Government
Via phuNkii
Awkward treadmill the price is right wheelchair - 70790657

Try Not to Wince When This Price is Right Contestant Wins a Treadmill

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Wheelchair, The Early Days

dual use furniture wheelchair wtf - 5277884928
Created by Unknown
animals cat cute Video wheelchair - 18531329

The Kludgiest Kitty

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Hold on to That Wheelchair for Later

ouch gifs wheelchair fail nation g rated - 8394173440
Via hell_in_a_cell

It Can't be Street Legal, but it's Sweet!

wheelchair BAMF motorcycle - 8289280768
Via BisFitty
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