

'[I] had plenty of time to make my sandwiches': Traveller foils TSA agent with airport-proof travel food

'[I] had plenty of time to make my sandwiches': Traveller foils TSA agent with airport-proof travel food

Here's one travel tip that won't save you any time or money. How do we know? U/garaks_tailor tested it out, so you can learn from their mistakes. The OP's story takes place while they were traveling for work . Many places will offer their workers a per diem while traveling. That way, they can grab a bite to eat for each meal without spending a small fortune. However, not every company gives their employees a lot of money for the task. The OP's company only gave them a little bit of money, and a…
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‘I put my key on the counter and walked out’: Bakery worker gets back at micromanaging owner, quits on ‘sandwich day’, leaving boss to make hundreds of sandwiches by himself

‘I put my key on the counter and walked out’: Bakery worker gets back at micromanaging owner, quits on ‘sandwich day’, leaving boss to make hundreds of sandwiches by himself

Working at a bakery is a dream come true for some, and honestly, what is not to like? The place smells like a literal heaven, and you get unlimited pastries. I might be exaggerating the ‘dream come true part’, because although the latter is true, there is still the pesky issue of the actual work. It can get repetitive, and the pay isn't great (in other words, don't expect to retire early), and to top it all off, you have annoying customers who have obviously never worked a day in their life, an…
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'I stopped making him lunches after that': Woman explains why her ex-husband lost his access to homemade lunches

'I stopped making him lunches after that': Woman explains why her ex-husband lost his access to homemade lunches

We can totally see why this woman broke up with her ungrateful ex . I have a love/hate relationship with cooking, as I imagine many people do. It can be fun to whip up a hearty meal if you have time and energy to do so, and it's even better if you have friends or family to serve it to. Other times, the daily drudgery of making meals creeps in, and makes you want to turn to takeout food instead. But the caveat there is that takeout adds up fast — it can cost $20 a day or more, which is why the c…
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A Moment of Silence, Please


Phew! That Was Close...

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Created by beernbiccies

Tough Problems Need Tough Solutions

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Created by Unknown

Strange Combo

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Created by Slackness

You've Got Yourself a Winner, Michelle

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You've Got a Lot of Work to Do, NSA

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Via Doghouse Diaries

Today's Lunch Comes with Anima Crackers

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On the Downside, Someone Will Probably Throw Your Sandwich Away

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Xbox and Sandwiches

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Quick and To the Point. I Like It!

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How About No Crusts?

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Tip Your Sandwich Artists, People

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