

Daughter exposes Karen mom's mistreatment after she doesn't get the ring she was promised: 'I told Pat everything'

Daughter exposes Karen Mom's mistreatment after she doesn't get the ring she was promised: 'I told Pat everything'

Some will say that being the child of a Karen is a character-building experience, although one would imagine most of these kids would beg to differ. They would probably rather be anyone else's child, especially when it comes to family gatherings and all kinds of public interactions with service workers. They would likely tell you that being the child of a Karen is less of a character-building experience and more of a role reversal in which the child has to rein in the parent. Here, we have a ra…
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'I continued to say “excuse me?"': Customer claims diamond specialist switched out her ring

'I continued to say “excuse me?"': Customer claims diamond specialist switched out her ring, specialist proves her wrong

Specialists exist for a reason. For this retail worker , jewelry is their career. They're a diamond specialist who works at a privately owned business. Even though they have impressive expertise at their job, there are always customers who think they know better than a trained professional. Something customers don't seem to realize is that expertise matters. As a customer, you go to see someone who's spent 10,000 hours learning a trade because they have knowledge that you require. That's the wh…
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cover image of a girl trying to get free meals from dating sites

13 Laughably Worthless Attempts from Selfish Handout Demanders

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Whoa Oh Ooooh

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Til Friendship Do Us Part

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Ram, Bam, Thank You, Ma'am

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Your Rebel Princess Is Out There

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With His Cool Stunts, This Guy is the Lord of the (Singular, Giant Metal) Ring

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Are These Three Things Often Bought Together?

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Via Jakealc1

Showcase Your Inner Han Solo

the rings that really show how you feel
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First Human X-Ray Taken in 1896

That is an incredibly old x-ray.
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Congratulations on the Circulation Problems!

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The Burger Ring Exists!

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Droids in Love Could Use These Wedding Rings

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Well, That's Not Creepy at ALL...

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Lord of the Rings

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