

To be a racist is to be a dunce. We are all as one, there is no place for one race, people, color, ideology, above any other. The only place for racism and a racist is to be laughed at for their ignorance, so go wild.

At Least This One Was Brave Enough to Ask About Their Ignorance

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Via dfaz173

Misplaced National Outrage? We've Got That.

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Created by Unknown

Donald Trump Continues to Not Get Anything, Mouths Off Against the New Show "Blackish"

Text - Donald J. Trump Follow @realDonaldTrump How is ABC Television allowed to have a show entitled "Blackish"? Can you imagine the furor of a show, "Whiteish"! Racism at highest level? Reply Retweet Favorite .More RETWEETS FAVORITES 1,600 1,211 5:41 AM 1 Oct 2014
Via realDonaldTrump

That Will Do the Trick

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Keep an Open Mind

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When Dating, Stick to Your Ethics

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Yearbook Quotes Are Getting Personal

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What Is Your Preference?

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It Takes Guts to Admit to Being This Big of an Idiot in Public

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How to Ask Out a Black Girl... a Tutorial

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It's 2013, and Somehow Somebody Made This Incredibly Racist Law Commercial

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