

'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

'Sorry, you can't just park your RV here': Demanding landlord informs tenant he's going to park RV in his backyard, doesn't take ‘no’ for an answer

Property owners, also known as landlords, can be quite annoying to deal with if they ignore basic lease rules and go with the flow of whatever their heart desires. For example, this dude explained how his demanding landlord texted him, promptly informing him that 'next week, we'll come to park the RV on your property'. Um, come again? So the dude quickly wrote back, 'No', which led to a conversation that made no sense. Why do landlords think they can just do whatever they want? The tenant pays…
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'Women drivers, am I right?': Guy sideswipes a woman's car while she's parked; blames her, makes a scene, then gets himself arrested

Everyone wants to play the blame game when it comes to a car accident. They shouldn't have merged here! They were going too fast! They were parked safely and visibly? It's easy to point fingers at the opposing party in any fender bender, but when a guy hits a car that's parked in a perfectly normal parking spot, there's no secret about who's at fault …
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