

gen-x gen x boomer boomers retired retire retirement hypocritical hypocrite reddit work working workplace age interesting father tenure family son dad old

Gen X dude confronts his father after getting hypocritical advice about retirement: ‘He retired at 50… but [I'm 56] and should continue to work?’

We're all working to eventually retire, right? Apart from the 1%ers and people whose entire identity is entwined in their career, most of us just want to age out, cash in, head to Florida, and live out the rest of our days on the beach with a piña colada in one hand and a good book in the other.
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reddit gen x gen z millennial boomer elder aging age old relatable young funny youth kids kids-these-days young-people old-people interesting realization funny lol teen

‘I sneezed and my back swore at me’: Gen X cringes over the realization that they're not young anymore

Who are these famous people?
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principal school schools parents high-school mom mother parents parenting teacher teachers school meeting funny lol youthful son detention mistaken old age young

'Apparently he sent me to the office for detention': Principal mistakes a youthful mom for a tardy student, hilarity ensues in the teacher's lounge

Is this a compliment?
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Dad father story reddit reddit-thread deserve patient impatient patience delivery delivery-guy relatable stories family

'You can't wait 30 seconds? You'll be waiting here for 30 minutes': Impatient dad refuses to heed a delayed delivery warning, wastes an hour dawdling for an order that's not ready yet

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it runs out. But does that sense of urgency in your old age entitle you to be a bossy know-it-all? Not exactly.
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'I'll make you watch me work': Auto shop employee demonstrates how slow their computer is to their bosses

'I'll make you watch me work': Auto shop employee demonstrates how slow their computer is to their bosses

There are some things in life that are perpetually irritating, like getting stuck in traffic. When you have somewhere you need to be, and the cars in front of you are inching forward at a snail's pace, it's pretty annoying. Plus, there's nothing you can do about it. It's a small thing, but when you deal with traffic every day, it might start to take a toll. This person, u/Rhelyk, had a different sort of waiting issue . They had to deal with a slow computer . Oh man. In today's day and age, when…
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'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

'I had a young coworker not know how to write a check': 30+ Workers who realized they were "officially old" thanks to their young coworkers

Did you know that the kids these days are referring to the 90s as the “late 1900s"? If that sentence made you want to check your scalp for gray hairs, you're not alone. Aging happens to every living being, and there's nothing we can do about it. We're just along for the ride as trends change and lingo transforms. It's like that saying about how the past is a foreign country. We had less tech back then, and everything was different. In school, our teachers assured us that we'd need to know how t…
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'When you rather be in bed than be at a party': 20+ signs that you're becoming old

'When you rather be in bed than be at a party': 20+ signs that you're becoming old

There is a definitive moment in everyone's adult lives when all of a sudden, you don't have the bandwidth to do what you used to do. This could be something as literal and physical as needing to hire movers the next time you're changing apartment because you just don't have the strength and energy to carry everything yourself and potentially create even worse back problems than you already have. This could also be something as seemingly minor as putting a hard stop to your “going out” plans so…
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'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly requests tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

'Can you please resend?': Theater patron repeatedly demands tickets from an automated reply email, employee sends her back plenty of replies

E-tickets are supposed to be convenient, but for this confused customer, it was the complete opposite. Buying tickets for an event used to be a lot simpler than it is these days. I'm told that decades ago, if you wanted to get a ticket to a concert, you had to physically walk your body over to a box office and buy a ticket from another human being. Sometimes people would camp outdoors while waiting for tickets, and there were certainly people who bought tickets just to resell them. But for the…
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'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

'They rearrange the grocery store': 25+ Things that get way more annoying the older you get

Growing older brings wisdom, but for these folks, it's also come with some irritations as well. Nothing ever stays the same. When you're a kid, you get used to life as it is, and then you grow up, and it's a whirlwind of new technology, meeting new people who go in and out of your life, careers, travel, and much more. It feels like you were a teenager just yesterday, but suddenly there are wrinkles under your eyes, and your knees are aching, and you have never heard of the slang these kids are…
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Geriatric French Rock Climber Has Spent Decades as a Risk-Taking Renagade, Free Soloing Deadly Rock Faces and Skyscrapers Wearing Nothing But Leather Pants and Nerves of Steel

Geriatric French Rock Climber Has Spent Decades as a Risk-Taking Renagade, Free Soloing Deadly Rock Faces and Skyscrapers Wearing Nothing But Leather Pants and Nerves of Steel

Known as the “French Spiderman”, Alain Robert has achieved legendary status as he continues to risk his life climbing insanely difficult faces. Serving up athletes half his age with style and ease, Alain has revamped his notoriety online by sharing his flashy fearlessness. Even though he only has about 10 stringy white hairs on his head, this Frenchman cannot be stopped. Also, instead of climbing in any sort of athletic gear or with any safety harnesses, Alain choses to climb in snake print ves…
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20+ Ancient Christmas cards that have no business being this funny

20+ Ancient Christmas cards that have no business being this funny

The art of sending holiday cards seems to be dying out, so revive your passion for the season with these hilarious, very old Christmas cards ! Dating back to the Victorian era, some of these cards are mighty ancient . Their weirdo designs probably made some sense back in the day, as an inside joke , perhaps. After you get inspired to send out your own yeti-attack themed holiday cards, check out this video creator who shared the infuriating things that Karens say to her as a thrift shop manager .
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90s nostalgia

Sweet 90s Nostalgia To Make Things Right Again

That's the stuff.
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twitter users nostalgic over old ovens

Twitter Users Get Nostalgic Over Sexy Old Ovens

Oh that's nice.
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signs people were old

Signs People Knew They Were Getting Old

Try to stand up without making a noise.
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26 images of nostalgic 90s junk foods | thumbnail left trix yogurt yellow and pink, thumbnail right pink and blue kool aid packages

Delectable Dump Of 90s Junk Food Nostalgia Goodness

Who else misses the 90s
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interesting historical perspectives

Twitter Users Describe Their Favorite Weird Historical Perspectives

Time is a strange thing.
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