
New Jersey

rules karens waves jersey shore lifeguard kids beach sand inflatable snacks family food karen children the beach New Jersey beaches - 21495301

'Rules are rules, sweetie': Beachgoers tell lifeguard to enforce the rules, lifeguard finds petty rules to enforce on them

This beach is full of old money folks who are used to getting their way. As u/fumples explained in their story to r/MaliciousCompliance, they had to deal with some rather irritating women who made it their goal to police everybody at the beach . Going to the shore for a summer vacation is the highlight of the summer for those who live along the coast. It's common for families to plan a few days of relaxation at the beach, where the kids can build sandcastles and play in the waves, while the adu…
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Rich Karen put into her place by a bunch of New Jerseyans

‘Do you know who I am? I'm rich!'...'Nobody cares.': Entitled wealthy Karen tries to skip to the front of the bagel line, entire store goes hilariously 'New Jersey' on her

Karens are already the worst to deal with, but a wealthy Karen is entitlement x1,000. The kind of tantrum-throwing that a wealthy Karen can produce can send any poor victim into the most mind-boggling frustration. However, it IS possible for justice to be served piping hot to a wealthy Karen and it's more likely to happen as a group defense. And, of course, it helps if that group is a bunch of New Jerseyans in need of bagels on a Sunday morning.
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20+ Memes about New Jersey for Taylor ham stans and people who don't pump gas, ever

20+ Memes about New Jersey for Taylor ham stans and people who don't pump gas, ever

Ah, New Jersey. A complex state on the east coast. Basically everyone low-key hates it there, first and foremost the people who live there! But for some reason, they all stay in dirty Jerz. Is it the location - close to the cheesesteaks of Philadelphia and the beaches of Atlantic City? Is it the sprawling suburbs, or the I-95 that draws folks in? Maybe it's rooting for only Philly teams (GO EAGLES!) and our favorite mascots (that would be Gritty, obviously). I grew up there, so I know enough ab…
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shoprite New-Jerseyites jersey shore The-Real-Housewives-of-New-Jersey snooki Parking-lot-brawl New-Jerseyans lol NY Giants lmao funny New Jersey - 1694983

'The most New Jersey thing I have ever seen in my entire life': A NY Giants bumper sticker deescalates a heated argument between two New Jerseyans

“People who aren’t from jersey don’t realize that that was the nicest interaction two ppl from Jersey could ever have.”
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TikToker Goes Viral for Sharing His Day-to-Day Life Running a Motel in NJ & Creating a "Free Room" Program

TikToker Goes Viral for Sharing His Day-to-Day Life Running a Motel in NJ & Creating a "Free Room" Program

Motels might look like scary places in the movies, but this TikToker is showing you IRL it can be a welcoming place.
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nature attempt deer wildlife funny rude Video stupid animals New Jersey - 98024449

Rude New Jersey Deer Farts at Bystander

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New Jersey Things

twitter New Jersey - 8806394880
Via khiravaggio

Is This a Trick Question?

New Jersey - 7783948800
Created by jim.tobin1

Wait, I Thought Philly Was in New Jersey!

pennsylvania geography New Jersey - 4978616064
Created by Unknown

Avoiding Blind Spots FAIL

driving failboat g rated irony New Jersey nyc signs - 5072611840
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