

‘I made sure it fit their diet… on the outside': Vegetarian roommates eat flatmate's food, flatmate plants meat in pizza crust

‘I made sure it fit their diet… on the outside': Vegetarian roommates eat flatmate's food, flatmate plants meat in pizza crust

Food is a topic people always bicker over. Parents, siblings, roommates… the closest depiction of reality I can think of at the moment in order to give a proper example of what I mean is Joey, from 'Friends'. He doesn't share food, and most people wouldn't appreciate having their own scrumptious morsels being taken out of the fridge and plopped into somebody else's mouth, either. Especially if that somebody didn't ask for permission. u/BotsAnonymous expressed his disdain for their vegetarian ro…
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'I took a picture, called my leasing office, and reported it to them': Neighbors disagree over trash bags in the hallway

'I took a picture, called my leasing office, and reported it to them': Neighbors disagree over trash bags in the hallway

After moving in, this dude just wanted to take a quick break before they kept unpacking. If you've ever moved, you know what a massive task it is. You have to box up everything you own into what feels like one thousand boxes. Then, you have to transport all your belongings, or entrust a moving company to do it for you, and hope your precious items arrive intact. And finally, you then have to unpack all your stuff , and decorate your new living space. The OP of this story, u/cbing1010101, was in…
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projects funny stories phone call work australia phone construction new phone moving phone calls construction workers phones sand - 21557509

'You told me to sort this out myself, this is me sorting this out': Construction boss forced to move one ton of sand after he refuses to update his phone number

After moving to a new country, this dude kept getting phone calls from random callers . These days, most of us get a few random calls a day, but our phone often lets us know they're robo calls. That way, we don't have to answer them and talk to a robot or someone trying to steal our life savings. However, this person had a more complex situation on their hands. They got a new phone number , but the previous person who'd had that number didn't bother to tell his clients about the number change.…
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landlord landlord-drama moving day askreddit rent paying rent moving Reddit moving out - 21345285

'Landlord is ignoring my notice to vacate': Woman deals with landlord who doesn't want to lose her

Man worries about getting evicted, even though he gave notice to his landlord.
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Company policy outranks a written contract? Okay, we'll stick to policy then.

'We just wanted them to honor the contract': Couple moving for work discover they won't be fully repaid, HR director steps in to enforce policy

This company seemed generous at first, but then they refused to pay for their employee's moving costs . That came as quite the surprise to u/nascentia and their wife. The OP's wife believed the company she worked at was going to pay for her to move, and in the contract, it seemed pretty inclusive. The company assured her they'd pay for all the closing costs and fees for both their old place and their new one, since they were moving to a new city . So imagine the OP's surprise when the company d…
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Update: 'I moved out and took everything': Group makes their roommate to move out, roommate leaves the house empty

Update: 'I moved out and took everything': Group forces their roommate to move out, roommate leaves the house barren

Getting back at scheming roommates was this person's goal, and they truly succeeded! Finding the right roommate is key. If you end up not getting along with them, like this person did, you're just out of luck. Unless, like this person also did, you find a way to get out of the agreement. U/Nymyane_Aqua shared their story to r/ MaliciousCompliance . In their story, the OP writes that their roommates had ganged up to try and get them to leave the house they all shared. Why? So that one of the roo…
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The lady of the house insists

'I'm afraid that's no longer my problem, ma'am': Movers maliciously comply with rich Karen's impossible delivery demands

At this moving company , the boss isn't going to let his employees get taken advantage of. Most rules are there because of previous situations that necessitated them, as this boss proved to his employee. User u/_korvan_ shared a story from their youth, some 30 years ago, when they took a job as a mover at age 16. While there, they had to deal with their fair share of entitled people . The OP shared that they and their boss showed up to one house that had a double door at the front of the house…
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guys try to move pottery onto vehicle and end up dropping it

Guys Try To Move Pottery, Lose Battle

Gravity strikes again.
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Twitter users share a collection of their most helpful packing tips for someone who's about to move.

A Move Prompts Twitter Users To Share Their Best Packing Tips

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list story moving funny animals - 1057285

If You've Ever Had a Dog, This is Easily the Best Story You'll Read All Day

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FAIL couch irish old people moving Video - 78089985

The Irish Way of Moving a Couch

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Loading Your U-Haul, The Not Smart (Car) Way

trailers smart car FAIL car moving - 8601809152
Via cody127

Someone Forgot to Pivot

Via Acid Cow

It's Just a Little Bit Extra, She'll Hold Together!

moving van pickup truck gas station pickup truck moving oversize load - 6766634240

Shouldn't There Also Be Cones Around the Area Under the Bridge?

Via MatFrapper

I Know Who I'm Hiring For My Next Move

monday thru friday van moving business name - 8420174080
Via theCHIVE