

aita reddit reddit-thread vegan mom moms mother dad dads father son parent parents parenting diet story vegans friends diet-choices flip out

‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

Vegans always have to tell everyone they're vegan and they incessantly force their vegan-ness on everyone around them. The Holy Crusade of veganism is a plague of misplaced good-intentions, which is all fun and games until we find families caught in the cross-hairs.
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teacher teachers teacher-stories school back-to-school parents parenting parenting-fail mom father mother dad principal elementary

'Parents are unbelievably delusional': Teachers share out-of-pocket requests from the parents of their students

Being a teacher is a very under-appreciated career path. Oftentimes, teachers are dealing with overcrowded classrooms, so while they're trying to teach one student to spell ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’, they're juggling a gaggle of banshees starting a coup in the opposite corner. The last thing most teachers need heaped on their plate are the asinine demands of feral parents.
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'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family wants landscapers to charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

'I'm sure she won't be happy to hear about this': Florida family demands landscapers charge them each the same low rate, landscapers agree to 'hold to [their] word'

When these landscapers got a referral from one customer to another, they had to explain some important caveats. Unfortunately for the landscapers, these clients were not happy with the deal they were going to get. Referrals are really important to many companies. In recent years, there's even a big incentive by lots of brands to tell your friends about their product. How many times have you gotten a friend to sign up for a random product just so you can get a discount? Or, if you're crafty, you…
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mom moms mother mothers motherhood parenting parents parent wheelchair son handicapped disabled parking doorman hotel

'My mum got in his face': Parent stands up for her wheelchair-bound son, flexing the full power of their car's handicapped sticker as petty revenge on a stickler doorman

Handicapped people get dibs on the choice parking spots– and they deserve to! Life is hard enough when you're struggling to be mobile, the least the rest of society can do is let you park right in the front. For most folks, it is second nature to be lenient to people with disabilities, even if there is no technical handicapped spot, but for one doorman, a real stickler, the rules of the street would NOT be bent on his watch.
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aita reddit bride bridezilla entitled mother parenting summer parents parent mom pregnant dress-code

‘I cannot be in a long sleeve floor-length gown in the heat for 8 hours’: Mother-to-be stands up to an entitled bridezilla, refusing to abide by absurd dress code demands in order to protect her pregnancy

Some people have dreamed about their wedding day since they were a little kid. Childhood dreams of Cinderella dresses, clinking champagne flutes, and a black-tie affair can sail through a kid's mind without a second thought, but in the deep south, an outdoor, summertime, black-tie event is a little more complicated to plan than an enchanting Disney-style ball. Guests could lose more than a glass slipper in those hot n' sweaty conditions...
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'Don't bring my husband into this': Airline passenger told to move seats by a mother, flight attendant takes mother's side

'Don't bring my husband into this': Airline passenger told to move seats by a mother, flight attendant takes mother's side

Flying is stressful enough already — but these airline passengers just couldn't agree on their seating arrangements. When you're taking a vacation or a work trip, often times you'll need to book a flight. It can make it way faster to get to your destination, but it's not a perfect system. Flying is pricey, so you want to get the best experience possible after paying hundreds of dollars for your seat. That's what u/DinckinFlikka was expecting when he flew for a work trip. He had a good reason fo…
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parenting parents parent mom mother daughter protective family uncle banana barbecue family-cookout reddit aita

Protective Parent Goes Into Mom-Mode When Her Uncle Threatens to Call the Cops on Her 6-Year-Old For 'Stealing' a Banana From the Fruit Bowl

There's always a little drama at the family barbecue. No matter which way you slice those Deviled Eggs, there's going to be a cousin or a random Auntie causing a stink. In most families, there's at least one grouchy grump that's ready to ruin the entire day for everybody– in this case, over a the likes of a ripe-n-delicious banana.
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karen karens karen-customer customer grocery loblaws pregnant pregnancy trimester baby parents parenting entitled parent mother reddit expectant-mother parking

Self-Important Karen Makes a Pregnant Lady Cry After Stealing an ‘Expectant Mother’ Parking Spot at the Supermarket; Heroic Civilians Teach the Karen a Lesson in Decency

Pregnancy is intense. You gain 50lbs, your feet swell, your back hurts, and strangers are always trying to touch your belly– but what a lot of people forget is particularly exhausting, is that you have to carry on with regular life anyways! So even though you're a walking, talking baby factory, life goes on.
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'Change the kid won't eat any of that': 30+ Brides and grooms share the weird and funny things people told them while planning their big day

'Change the kid won't eat any of that': 30+ Brides and grooms share the weird and funny things people told them while planning their big day

While planning your wedding , everyone is thrilled for you, and they will all insist they have some great advice to tell you. From cake mishaps to a mother in law demanding two first dances, these people have had handled some odd requests and advice. While planning a wedding with the person you love, it's so romantic to get swept up in planning your dream day. It's supposed to be the day you and your loved one tie the knot forever, and you want all your closest friends and family right by your…
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Coworker invites herself to Broadway show, then admits she can't afford it

'Her kids are not my responsibility': Coworker invites herself to Broadway show, then complains she can't afford it

Here's a cautionary tale about letting coworkers into your personal life. This woman wrote to r/AmItheA**hole with a question about her role in a feud with her coworker: “AITA for telling my coworker her bad decisions and her kids are not my responsibility?” As u/BroadwayThrowaway1 writes, the whole disagreement started because she was going to a Broadway show with her nine year old daughter. Broadway shows are so much fun — the bright lights, singing and dancing, and colorful costumes can be u…
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'Aunt unknowingly ended her own financial support': Aunt pushes niece too far without knowing she's paying her expenses

'Entitled aunt... ended her own financial support': Aunt insults niece without knowing she's paying her expenses

A family dinner accidentally set off a major disagreement between an aunt and her niece. Families: can't live with ‘em, can’t live without 'em. No one knows how to push your buttons more than the people you grew up with. Sister is Ria, aunt is Jana
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bartender calling-in-sick sick mother mom mommy boss voice calling-out sick-day work bar pub uk customers karen

'You shouldn't be here': Bartender calls in sick, but boss forces him to come to work anyways; gets saved by boss's mother who pulls the 'mom' card to send him home

Being sick as a little kid isn't so bad because you have Mom around to feed you soup, press her hand on your forehead, and tuck you in for a nap. If she says you're too sick to go out, you're too sick to go out. As an adult, you're forced to gauge your own illness, which, as mother always said, means you're going to be sick for weeks. In this case, OP tried to do the right thing by calling in sick to work, but his unyielding boss wouldn't allow it.
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'Within two weeks the electricity was cut off': Boss reminds employee they aren't an office manager, chaos ensues after employee stops managing their office

'Within two weeks the electricity was cut off': Boss reminds employee they aren't an office manager, chaos ensues after employee stops managing their office

Work can only push you so far until eventually your patience snaps. This employee, u/HungryAd2461, knows that all too well, as they shared in this wild tale about how they stopped managing an office . Being employed by a thankless boss is a tough way to live. Some people don't mind it, but a lot of us would like to have our contributions appreciated. You can be the first one in the office and the last to leave, but if your boss doesn't care, nothing you do will ever change their mind. It's you…
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Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets asks brother to babysit during their entire family vacation, finds brother's post about her

Update: 'She saw my post': Mother of triplets guilts brother into babysitting during family vacation, flips out when he changes plans

Family vacations are supposed to be fun for the whole family, not just a few members. But this mother wasn't too concerned about the feelings of the rest of her family, so long as she got a break for herself. Vacations are so great when you're a kid. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the trip! Your parents will take care of all the planning, booking, transportation, and meals, and you just get to run around the beach or an amusement park to your heart's content. This 23-year-old is reali…
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'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

'She gets upset every time neither of her daughters gets picked for something': Karen throws tantrum after her kids weren't volunteers in science assembly

There's nothing more annoying than when selfish folks make it seem like they're upset because of a greater principle.
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single mother single-mother slacker lazy work employee coworker manager workplace reddit antiwork entitled entitled-people work-ethic excuse lame hr

'She demanded I hire her, but I refused': HR tries to dump a slacker employee on a hard-working manager; they get denied even after they try to pull the 'single mother' card

Slacker people like to hide behind their perceived shortcomings in order to validate their lack of work ethic. The biggest problem with that is that they are immediately discrediting other hard working folks in the same situation, while making themselves a pity case for everyone around them. In this story, one slacker employee found refuge in her workplace by playing the ‘single mother' card, using the same excuse for every one of her deficiencies as an employee and a coworker.
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