

Nightmare Fuel of the Day: Makeup Artist Transforms Into ‘American Horror Story’ Characters

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Via jkbonito

When You Make Each Other Feel Pretty

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Via Gingajulia

No Makeup, Except for the Part With Makeup

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Via Runt of the Web
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Pro-Tip: Do Your Make Up Before You're Drunk

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The Product of Absolute, Total Boredom

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What Was Your First Clue?

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Hey There Four-Eyes! And... Two-Mouth...

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Makeup Skills Like These Are the Only Halloween "Costume" You Need

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What Women Go Through to "Look Their Best."

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Watch Out, Those Nails Could do Serious Damage to Someone's Feet

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It's Not Magic, It's Makeup!

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Nightmare Fuel: Makeup Edition

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Does it Look Like Mii?

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Via @hollybrocks

Not Going For a Subtle Look Anyway

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My Eyebrows Are Up Here

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You Know You Wear Too Much Makeup When...

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