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Teacher sticks up for a star student by unleashing her rambunctious classroom on a control-freak librarian: 'Complete chaos [erupted]'

Some teachers have your back
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'What did I tell you about coming here again?!; You have been banned!': Mousy librarian flips a switch and rebukes a rampaging Karen, telling her off and running her out of the library for good

Bookish kids will always remember the day they got their library card. Perhaps it's because this is the first card you ever authenticate with a signature at the bottom, or perhaps it's because you had unlimited access to all the books in the world and finally had a friendly old lady who was willing to point you towards your next adventure. And everyone knows that friendly librarians are the ultimate pseudo-granny.
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'If he says it's his, it's his': Boss insists on giving away 'lost & found' items to whomever claims them, until a thieving regular takes something that's hers

Kleptomaniacs come in many forms. Bank robbers, snatch-and-grabbers, check-out chocolate bar thieves, and public transit backpack rummagers are all some form of thieving-obsessed klepto. Although most klepto's dream of being a bank robber like in the movies, nobody has the stones or the brains to pull a job that big, so instead, they head over to their local library to get their thieving fix.
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'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived to freeze the account for good

'I blocked her account': Librarian gets revenge on a rude patron, unearthing a $480 late fee that had been previously waived

If you've ever worked in customer service, you know you have dealt with some dicey patrons. Not everyone has the guts to do what needs to be done with every customer confrontation and most folks lean on their one sassy manager who walks fast, talks loud, and shuts down every local Karen before they can get too ramped up. However, as a librarian, you can't necessarily strong-arm every bad patron with your big voice in the ‘Quiet Reading’ section.
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