

'None of my managers rules apply to her': Barista irritated by manager's double standards towards customers' orders

'None of my manager's rules apply to her': Barista irritated by manager's double standards towards customers' orders

One barista is confused and annoyed by the rules their manager is making up. They took to r/mildlyinfuriating to share the story. But commenters informed them that they might be looking at things all wrong. Their issue revolves around making custom drinks for the patrons of their coffee shop. Some chains embrace the custom drink trend, including all of the Tiktok drinks with names like “Snickerdoodle Cinnamon Chocolate Chai Latte”
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'You're not making me steam milk? Thank you for an easy life, king/queen': 35+ Highly specific memes from cafe baristas

'You're not making me steam milk? Thank you for an easy life, king/queen': 35+ Highly specific memes from cafe baristas

Society would crumble without the hardworking baristas who get up very early every morning to clock in and make us our lattes and americanos. I pledge my allegiance to the baristas everywhere who make it possible to order a fine caffeinated drink and receive excellent service each time. Working at a coffee shop is no walk in the park, though, as this collection of memes from barista-focused pages will reveal. You might think you know what goes on behind the counter of your favorite Starbies, bu…
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Making Stop Motion Entirely With Latte Art!

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Latte Art Hits the 3rd Dimension

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Via Laughing Squid

A Latte That Will Really Make You "GERONIMO!"

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Pull Away This Coffee at the Last Possible Second...

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Via Mr_A

It's More Art Than Latte in This Cup

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Via Neatorama

Guest Coffee Made by Dali

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Via george_10g

Monday is Coming. I Can Feel It.

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Created by InnerFlame

Caffeinated Giraffe WIN

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WIN!: Ayyy Sexy Latte WIN

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Coffee Art WIN

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Not Very Grande Are We?

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Bear Latte WIN

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Mario Coffee WIN

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Via Reddit

The Customer is Always Right

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Via Mighty Jim
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