
kids say the darndest things

'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

'I got a detention for pretending to be a Pokemon': 25+ Kids who were reprimanded for the silliest reasons

We should really just let kids be kids . You only get so long to have a carefree childhood. As a child, you avoid adult responsibilities and can spend all day either playing or at school (and then playing once school lets out). That's your time to frolic in the grass, make up games, play on the playground, and run around with your friends. Knowing that you only get to be a child once, some teachers and parents are still crazy strict with their little ones. People who answered the question poste…
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What's the Point?

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Via vital-dust
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Dad's Third Reenactment of Conversations with His Daughter

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He Cannot Tell a Lie

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The Next Barney Stinson

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Parenting Fails: Good to see children's grasp of the English language continues to improve

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Parenting Fails: Kids Really Do Say the Darndest Things

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From the Mouths of Babes

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