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'I become 10 again anytime I hear any theme from Pokemon': 40+ Gamers share the games that hold a special place in their hearts

There are times in your life when a story or a work of art will speak to you in volumes that exceed the bounds of the original creation. Whatever the reason, the place, or the time, that thing stuck with you—maybe it filled a void in your life, or maybe the story, music, or something more abstract resonated with you at that particular moment, or maybe it was a means to connect with people in a way that might not have otherwise been possible.
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Video Game Sequels More Disappointing Than The Last Jedi

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16 text based reddit images argument who would win in a fight doom slayer or masterchief | thumbnail background image of fight, flames "+ Join r/Doom u/KORRIBAN_SENTINEL • 7h • 1 2 2 I just got into an argument with my friend over who would win in a fight: Doom Slayer Vs. Masterchief. I need some reasons as to why Doom Slayer would win hands down. Subreddit Meta ELL 238 T, Share Award 1 1273"

Gamer Friends Argue Over Who Would Win In A Fight: Doom Slayer Vs. Master Chief

A fight we'd pay to watch
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Video of piano being destroyed to produce sound effects for Halo game.

Halo Team Destroying A Piano For Sound Effects

Oh cool, a screaming piano.
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Guy Creates Amazing Cortana Hologram For Home Use and He's About to Earn Millions

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Committed Halo 5 Fan Builds 6,000-Piece LEGO Rocket Launcher Replica That Might Be the Best Build We've Ever Seen

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Halo 5 Takes on Quidditch for One of the Most Magical Videos You'll See on the Internet Today

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That's a LEGO Pillar of Autumn, No Big Deal

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Mark Kelso Spent Years Making This Seven-Foot Long Halo LEGO Monstrosity

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Too Much Time Spent Behind The Controller

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This Door Knows How to Blast the Flood

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Stained Glass WIN

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Warthog Replica WIN

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Fail to the Chief!

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