
grocery store

Shopper shopping grocery groceries Karen payback deserve Aldi deserves quarter funny petty lol Karens story reddit

Grocery Shopper Gets $.25 Cent Payback on an Entitled Karen by Commandeering Her Cart

The grocery store is a lawless place.
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‘I know inflation is crazy, but this is nuts’: Duo spending $1,300 on groceries every month scores 32+ tips from frugal altruists

Watching the grocery store cashier ring up your food items, makes every working-class shopper rethink that second box of gourmet cookies. As the receipt tallies your haul of hunted and gathered groceries, it's hard not to think of those days when a family of four could live off of a $20 grocery store run for a whole week– nowadays, $20 gets you a box of lettuce, 12 eggs, and a cluster of bananas (if you're lucky).
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karen grocery-store pushy shopper slow self-checkout checkout cashier register grocery-shopping shopping grocery petty-revenge revenge petty reddit

'I am in no rush': Grocery store shopper gridlocks the self-checkout line after getting crowded by the person behind them

The worst thing in the world is that tingling icky feeling on the back of your neck when someone standing too close to you. Back off, buddy– ever heard of something called personal space?
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'A woman came in to return a bag of soil because "the bag was dirty"': 25+ Retail workers who were baffled by their customers' requests

'A woman came in to return a bag of soil because "the bag was dirty"': 25+ Retail workers who were utterly baffled by their customers' requests

While working retail, these people have seen it all. Cashiers get to see people from all walks of life, of all ages, and of all levels of sanity. These retail workers shared some stories of the wildest interactions they've had with customers. That's one of the strange things about working retail---you always have to take the customer seriously, even if you're pretty sure they're messing with you. Some customers love to mess with retail staff , even though no one seems to find it funny except th…
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'I walked past the entitled women, snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for being inconsiderate to a employee

'[I] snagged one of the carts full of groceries and took off': Customer teaches entitled Karens a lesson for dissing an employee

This awesome Redditor's petty revenge happened one day in a Walmart. Yes, that is important context. In the chaotic aisles of the store, a young female employee was trying to navigate her cart through a jam created by two entitled women in their 40s. Their snobby expressions were like they were royalty encountering a mere commoner. Imagine some dramatic music and a mischievous chuckle in the background. Our OP was not about to have it.
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malicious compliance petty revenge shopping carts Parking revenge reddit absurd car parking lot spots grocery store entitled Couple rude

'[They were] mean-mugging through their car window': Couple leaves their shopping cart in the parking lot, guy blocks their exit and returns abandoned carts for 15 minutes

Abandoned carts in a parking lot are the WORST. I can't even count the number of times I've been cruising through a parking lot at a snail's pace, scouting for a sweet spot, only to spot the perfect one, mentally busting out a happy dance, and then bam, there's a darn cart smack in the way. It seriously tests your faith in humanity, doesn't it? Well, our OP must deal with this parking lot madness daily because this one fateful day, it was the final straw.
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'You, sir, are a Karen': Guy wants to speak to grocery story manager for food bank partnership, employees assume he is a Karen, gets thrown out of the store

'You, sir, are a Karen': Guy wants to speak to grocery story manager for food bank partnership, employees assume he is a Karen, gets thrown out of the store

This seems to be a tale of the boy who cried Karen. Of course, the real culprits in this situation are the actual Karens of the world who have made it nearly impossible for most employees out there who have been so disturbed by entitled behavior to distinguish the real Karens from the rare well-intentioned and kind-hearted customer who just has a question. In this case, the customer who requested to speak with the manager simply wanted to know if food donation boxes had been set up for an upcom…
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customer service karens entitled parents funny stories funny story karen-customer customers grocery stores karens in the wild entitled grocery shopping karen entitled people grocery store - 22663429

'You can't count to five': Grocery store Karen gets shut down whilst going through express checkout with too many items

Express checkouts exist purely to improve the flow of checkout by allowing a greater number of persons with a minimal amount of items to move quickly through the checkout process, freeing them from having to wait behind those with full carts… It's a pretty simple concept, really.
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'You can't use a shopping cart': Customer complies with disgruntled cashier's demands, leading to overfilled checkout counter hassle

'You can't use a shopping cart': Customer complies with disgruntled cashier's demands, leading to overfilled checkout counter hassle

This story includes one overworked, tired cashier who despised the fact that he had to keep pointing out a strikingly obvious sign that read, ‘Leave your shopping cart outside’ to customers who did not go out of their way to read it. This story also involves a customer who worked at a liquor store and had to get a bunch of bottles for the upcoming holiday. So in simple terms, it included two minimum-wage workers who were not getting enough money for dealing with other people's messes on a daily…
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'I stopped doing everything extra': Grocery employee lets store fall into chaos after bosses remind them they're 'just a cashier'

'I stopped doing everything extra': Grocery employee lets store fall into chaos after bosses remind them they're 'just a cashier'

This grocery store is going through changes, and its employees are not happy about it. A working environment is really defined by your bosses. You can have the best workplace in the world, but if management is poor, people won't stick around. This grocery store is going through something like that right now, as one employee, u/bugme143, explained. This employee had been working at the same store for quite some time, and it seems like their managers saw potential in them. They allowed the OP to…
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'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

As a grocery store employee , this part-time worker is known for taking on additional work to make the store run smoother. You'd think that would make them the ideal employee! But at this grocery store , that's just not how things work. As the OP explained in their story, they work very hard at their job, doing tasks that honestly sound like managerial work, like adjusting inventory or handling deliveries. Despite that, they still did all these things happily, until a new boss decided to step i…
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'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

'Hurry it up!': Impatient Karen refuses to wait until parking space becomes available, other woman takes her sweet time

This Karen could not bother to wait a minute until this grocery store customer was done loading her food into her truck. Of course, Karen wanted something: the other woman's precious parking spot. Did she make it known to the woman that she was waiting? You betcha! Did she need to honk after just a few seconds of waiting? Of course not, but she wouldn't be a Karen then, now would she? Thankfully, this lady was not having any of Karen's nonsense. She shared her side of the story via this thread…
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customer service shopping karen-customer customers customer karens in the wild grocery shopping grocery store - 21931525

'I hid them!': Shopper finds stashed item and adds it to their cart, prompting confrontation with another shopper laying claim

People will go to any length and make every attempt to turn even the most petty situations to their advantage. Just a single trip to any busy parking lot will show you this, with desperate drivers doing anything in their power to secure a spot, even getting their passengers to jump out of the vehicle to stand in front of it and (hopefully) prevent anyone from getting there first, whilst engaging in outrageous displays of behavior from within the safety of their oversized vehicles. Of course, on…
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'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper wants help from the only employee who cannot assist her

'If you're in the building, you're working': Grocery shopper demands help from the only employee who cannot assist her

When customers demand help , they want to be helped immediately. And instead of listening when workers actually try to help them, they seem to shut off their ears, and end up throwing a tantrum instead. Cashiers don't get the respect they deserve, and lots of customers are very rude to them on the daily. U/NiftyGoblin had a strange story to tell, which they shared to r/TalesFromRetail, a subreddit for retail workers to share the realities of life behind the cash register. This OP was just tryin…
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Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

'My boss demanded I serve all customers': Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

Customers do not care about what time the store closes , they just want their food. As the employee, you just have to enforce the rules your bosses tell you. If the store closes at 9PM, you have to shut the doors right then, but some customers will still try to squeeze in the door and do a last minute shopping spree. It always surprised me when I worked retail that customers would act like that. I understand the frustration of really needing a product, and then that store locks the door in your…
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'HR person was insanely incompetent': Student worker denied holiday pay by HR Karen, worker complies but finds clever loophole

'HR person was insanely incompetent': Student worker denied holiday pay by HR Karen, worker complies but finds clever loophole

Sometimes, being a rule follower can lead to finding clever loopholes.
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