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'You're prioritizing a dog?': Entitled airplane Karen gets shut down after trying to steal a service dog's designated seat

We love our dogs. For some people, their dog is more important than any friendship and the dog's position in the household has been firmly secured as a bone-a-fide family member. Contrarily, the Karen in our next story never imagined that a dog would ever surpass her own self-imposed importance...
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'I know this sounds bad': Dude abandons GF at the top of a mountain to avoid missing Jets game

'I know this sounds bad': Dude abandons GF at the top of a mountain to avoid missing Jets game

“I could not miss this game,” admitted one guy who's probably about to get dumped. This guy decided to post to r/AmItheA****** with a question: “AITA for abandoning my girlfriend on top of a mountain?” In case commenters felt hasty to judge, u/moneytreesplease clarified that they know their summary sounded bad, but “it wasn't even a big mountain.” Well in that case, carry on. As a weekend hiker, this dude thought it'd be fun to get a quick hike in. Usually, they go alone, while their GF stays i…
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'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

'It's not the first time he's done this': Man throws temper tantrum at AAA after they cancel his 26-year membership

This person came by to “forgive” some employees who made him mad, but then he started yelling at them instead. In an odd video posted by u/galaxystars1, a bystander is filming inside of a AAA as a (former) customer flips out. There are two sides to every story, and we only see a small segment of what happened here. But as the upset customer says, he had a 26-year-long membership with AAA, and the company cancelled it. Though they don't say why, someone mentions that this dude shows up often to…
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'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer funny questions from customers

'Do these smell like the right pants to you?': 20+ Times retail workers had to answer the world's silliest questions from customers

Kudos to these workers who didn't burst out laughing after hearing these customers' questions. I'm sure it wasn't easy to hold in laughter when customers get things so unbelievably wrong. When you work at a retail store , you quickly learn that customers don't ask a wide range of questions. Even though you spend 40 hours per week at the job, it's potentially a customer's first time there. You end up answering questions like, “Is everything included in this store-wide sale?” or “What aisle is to…
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'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to talk to passenger

'They can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop': Mother sticks her head in another driver's car to confront passenger

This woman decided to confront another driver , but she did it in the most awkward way imaginable. As with every story on the internet, there are at least two sides. But whoever holds the video camera has an advantage to tell their side of the story. This person just happened to catch one mom's odd behavior on camera, and shared the video with the world. The woman's claims are serious: she states that the driver of the car nearly hit her children. The woman asks for an apology from the driver,…
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'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman questions neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

'It's not a trailer park': Barefoot woman confronts neighbors over their Miami Heat flags

This woman is losing her mind over some teeny tiny flag decorations . Sometimes you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. And if you're this woman, you then proceed to take a stroll down the block, no shoes necessary, to yell at your neighbors. This woman was very worked up over her neighbors' property , and she spent several minutes screaming at the poor young folks who live there. To their credit, the young people who live in this place handled the woman's yelling with grace (and some mi…
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'There was one line [guests] should never cross': Hotel guests discover they won't be served

'There was one line [guests] should never cross': Hotel guests discover they won't be served after acting entitled toward customer service reps

This person learned an interesting tip from about getting what you want as a guest. As u/badgermann writes, their wife worked at the “central switchboard for a group of resort hotels in a tourist area." While you're vacationing, you want everything to run smoothly. Instead of dealing with the humdrum of daily life, all you really want is to be sprawled out on the beach with a good book and no responsibilities whatsoever. However, if you have traveled on vacation even a single time, you know tha…
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'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

Employee of the year goes to…
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Karen goes to a tattoo shop

'There was so much damage': Raging Karen trashes tattoo parlor, gets arrested

There is no shortage of entitled people in this world, but some people take normal entitlement and turn it up to 11. These ‘Super Karens’ have a power level of over 9000, and there's no stopping them in their tirade against the world. Anyone who has worked in customer service, or any role where you deal with the public, has, unfortunately, come into contact with at least one of these people, and each one leaves the mental scarring of an experience that you won't soon forget. This Karen somehow…
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Elon Musk Supports Russia's Invasion of the Ukraine With Outdated Evidence, Gets Called Out By Experts and Enraged Commenters

Survey data from 10 years ago isn't exactly relevant
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facebook, drama, karen, public freakout, freakout, karen story, storytime, boomer, inappropriate, dress, outfit, catholic, catholic church, bad taste

Catholic Karen Lashes Out at 'Revealing' Photos of a Woman Posing in Her Gala Dress

Her entire knee is showing
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Funniest Memes for People Struggling to Keep Their Cool at Work

Funniest Memes for People Struggling to Keep Their Cool at Work

Per my last email...
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fail, freak out, freak out video, public freak out, fired, work, doordash, chipotle, free, fight video, public embarrassment, false, food delivery, delivery, labor, hard labor, outraged, outrage, america

DoorDash Employee Loses His Job After a Customer Claims She Didn’t Receive Her Chipotle

Hope that $10 burrito was worth it…
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Woman gets ex neighbor's car towed because they keep parking in her spot. | AITA having my ex neighbors car towed because they kept parking my spot 21F) live right on edge my cities downtown. Parking is scarce, or should say, FREE parking is scarce lived an old house converted into 8 apartment units, and had its own mini parking lot with 8 spots tenants had neighbor (F) who got job working nights few blocks away our apartment which worked out great because she could just walk work and didn't

Woman's Ex Neighbor Keeps Parking In Her Spot, Gets Their Car Towed

The parking drama never ends.
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Wife yells at her husband because he keeps eating her food.

Wife Yells At Husband For Eating Her Food

Some trouble in paradise.
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An irate customer forgets where she parked a rental car, and then sweet justice ensues.

Customer "Forgets" Where They Parked Car, Sweet Justice Ensues

She was really on one.
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