

‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

‘His mother cheated [and] I was quickly replaced’: Teen son makes it clear that he prefers his step-dad over his bio-dad, so bio-dad makes it clear he prefers his new wife over his son

“I’m really tired of the idea that parents are somehow obligated to just take endless meanness, neglect, and general nastiness from their teenage/adult children…”
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'I say, she can't take back what happened': Estranged step-mom tries to weasel her way into the wedding party of the step-daughter she ignored for 11 years, Father gets upset when bride puts her foot down

'I say, she can't take back what happened': Estranged step-mom tries to weasel her way into the wedding party of the step-daughter she ignored for 11 years, Father gets upset when bride puts her foot down

We all know the story of Cinderella and her wicked stepmother (and step-sisters). It was heart-wrenching to see such a wholesome girl be cast aside by someone who was, at least supposed to be her mother figure. But, that was just a fairytale and, of course, it has a happy ending. That being said, fairytales have some aspects of real life in them…
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'In retrospect, I might HAVE been too harsh': Father takes making-a-point too far and gets a dose of reality when grown daughter goes no-contact

When you become a father, you are now a father 24-7 for the rest of your life. Even if you choose to ignore those duties, that is still you affecting your child as a father, a bad father, but still a father. One of the biggest struggles parents tend to have is letting their child be free to do what they want. Parents want their kids to not make the mistakes they did growing up, so they forbid them from it. But the thing is, that isn't going to stop them, especially once they are grown…
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'[She] would roll over in her grave': Wicked stepmother who forces husband to cut ties with his children gets a taste of karma beyond the grave

It's a horrible thing when you find out someone who got divorced also emotionally divorces their children. Once you have committed to being a parent, you are committed for life, there is no backing out. And yet, there are still parents who think they can just leave their kids in the dust and “start over.” That's not how life works, buddy. However, as humans we strive for peace and forgiveness is a start. For example , this child who was cast aside due to her wicked stepmother learned to forgive…
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‘You probably have some quiet neighbors then’: Top Dad Jokes of the Year

‘You probably have some quiet neighbors then’: Top Dad Jokes of the Year

Imagine having a smaller you that doesn't speak coherently, breaks everything you own, and is always sticky. And then imagine how much you love that little guy or girl! Yeah, that's what being a dad is like. You always have to run after your smart and courageous little critters, as they are basically pure balls of energy. Curious, fearless, and always there, for better or for worse. When you have kids, you can FEEL your hair getting grey. You definitely grow older a lot faster, or at least, tha…
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Top Dad Jokes of the Week (November 4, 2023)

Part of being a Dad means falling flat on your face a million times over and getting back up to do it all over again. On the other hand, part of having a Dad means getting embarrassed a million times over, only to have it happen all over again the next day. Yet somehow, Dad Jokes operate in that strange space where fathers have a chance to get away with being annoying, and, on special occasions, they may even make their kids crack a smile. Now, of course, their kids won't actually admit that th…
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'I stood up [and] gave him the double deuce': New employee quits after two days when boss demands they work during the birth of their child

The working relationship is built on respect, and that respect should go both ways. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case, with some owners, executives, and managers seeing themselves as destined for greatness and, therefore, better than the rabble they employ. It's surprising and disappointing how prevalent this attitude and behavior is today—probably because it's still being encouraged by the executive-level relics from the 80s and their sycophants who worship their every move. But, contr…
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man getting robbed, ends up instead helping a father in need

'That was a desperate dad, willing to do a bad thing for his child': Man shares heartbreaking story of how he turned getting robbed into helping a father in need

Being approached by a stranger in a dark parking lot is already intimidating. You were just trying to mind your own business, and now you might be in a very scary and dangerous situation. However, sometimes these situations, when shed on by a different light, turn out to be okay. For instance, Bryan Minerly recently shared a story on his social media about how he somehow changed his fate from him getting robbed, to him helping a father in need.
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Yard Work Season: Dads Kick Off This Father's Day by Showing Off Their Lawns & Mowers

Yard Work Season: Dads Kick Off This Father's Day by Showing Off Their Lawns & Mowers

The grass is always greener on the other side and that lawn is probably taken care of by a dad.
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Family Visiting Thailand Accidentally Stays at a Brothel After Stubborn Dad Refuses to Use AirBnb

Family Visiting Thailand Accidentally Stays at a Brothel After Stubborn Dad Refuses to Use AirBnb

And then when they left the brothel to stay somewhere else, the dad picked a place infested with ants…
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Dad who looks like obi-wan kenobi will literally fight for his daughter, goes viral on tiktok

TikToker Is Going Viral For Her Videos About Her Star Wars-Nerd Dad Always Being Ready to Fight Someone Who Messes With Her

He almost got arrested for threatening her teacher in high school. He scared her ex-boss into offering back her job. He's also a huge nerd and likes to dress like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
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DILFS of Disneyland Highlights The Handsomest Dads From the Happiest Place on Earth

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The Perks of Fatherhood

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Via Prince0001


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Via MrLovens

Say "Disappointment," Kids!

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Via Jessica Anteby

Next Up in "Things That Never Happened"

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