

Hacked IRL: Minor Modifications

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You're So Vain, You Probably Think This Post Is About You

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Created by Unknown

Two Body Types For the Price of One Picture!

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More Flubbin' for the Clubbin'

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Be Nice, Siri

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The Internet Is No Place for Aspiring Musicians

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Time to Get Medieval on Your Ass

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Via Pleated Jeans

To Be Fair, She Could Stand to Lose a Few Pounds

Text - 25 May via Mobile So I've decided I need to do something to get over my irrational fear of whales, any ideas? Like Comment Go swimmin with 1?? Haha! X 25 May at 23:31 Like :O what if it eats me?? :(lol! 25 May at 23:37 via Mobile Like | Then ur fecked! Ahaa! Just kiddin don't swim with 1 ur fears ok its not asif ur gunna walk past 1 in town! Cud be worse u could be scared off buttons :/looool 25 May at 23:39 Like | Haha yeah :) 25 May at 23:45 via Mobile Like IStop looking in the mirror.
Created by Unknown

Concert Season Brings Out the Best in All of Us

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Drive-Thru FAIL

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Via Reddit

Nice Save!

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It's My Belly and I Know It

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Failbook: AmeriFails

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You Break It, You Buy It

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One Size Fits... Well Nobody Really

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Via No Way Girl

Thank You For Not Losing the Weight

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