

pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories nuclear revenge grandma petty revenge family grandmother revenge-stories-reddit used car car salesman - 24338437

Guy sells grandma a used car, grandkids trick him into quitting his job for a fake one: 'Should have done your due diligence'

Few things are more sinister, in an everyday sort of way, than those people who try to pass damaged goods off as being without problem, preying on the trusting, unsuspecting, or unlucky in order to turn an incredibly unscrupulous profit. These used car sellers, house flippers, and scam artists can be found hiding in plain sight—trying to pass some painted cabinets, cheap laminate wood flooring, and a sloppier paint job off as a “full renovation”—or selling a car “without issue” on Marketplace o…
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‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time

‘A little motherly malicious compliance never hurt anyone': New mom gets back at relentless MIL who keeps waking up the baby during nap time

There are many new routines you have to get used to when you have a new baby in your life. Your sleeping schedule, eating, traveling, working, and, well, everything. A baby is completely helpless and you have to basically do everything for it. So of course that is going to change your life completely. New parents are made aware of this these days and know that they are making a life-altering decision by having a kid. And mothers who were never warned about this and had to figure it out as they…
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family drama wedding drama brother sibling rivalry siblings family feud wedding family weddings - 24309253

Bride's woefully entitled brother thinks he is the exception to her "child-free" wedding: '[It's] causing divide in the family'

Nothing is worse than someone who thinks they are the exception to every rule—especially when that person is your sibling. And, if you think you are the exception to a rule when you haven't been told explicitly such... You probably aren't. It's important here to take a look in the mirror and realize that each and every one of us does this to an extent. It should come as no surprise that a lot of these involve driving. “Speed limits? But I'm a good driver; I can drive 5 or 10 over safely!” or “I…
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'My dad used to pay my sister and I $1 an hour to be quiet': 30+ Silly ways people made some quick cash

'My dad used to pay my sister and I $1 an hour to be quiet': 30+ Silly ways people made some quick cash

According to these people, you don't always have to work hard for your money . On a rare occasion, the money will come right to you. Every now and then, you might stumble across a job that seems just too good to be true. It's good to have a healthy dose of skepticism for things of that nature, but sometimes it really is the real deal. For some jobs, having an employee on standby is the only thing that's required. There's one industry where this is endemic: film and TV. For actors and crew alike…
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‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

‘It’s not my fault you spent all your money': Woman refuses to lend brother money after he blew through his entire inheritance

Should money and family go hand in hand? The reality is, there isn't really a way around it. From the moment you are born, your parents have to financially support you, and as you grow up, money is always an issue that needs to be addressed. Even once you become a financially independent adult, somehow money always is a conversation at some point in family meetings. So as much as I would love to say you shouldn't mix family with money, I know it is not the most realistic advice, and the woman w…
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'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Newlywed won't feed their family members at their reception

'I asked all the guests to contribute a "meal fee"': Internet scolds newlywed who refuses to feed their family members at their reception

When this newlywed told the internet they “could use some judgement” about their wedding, the internet did not hold back. They told the OP exactly what they thought about some pretty strange wedding plans. It's no secret that weddings are expensive. It's basically the first thing you learn when you start researching: the prices are outrageous for everything from the venue to the food to the DJ. Unless you're planning to throw on a tee shirt and elope from the local court house, you're probably…
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'I was at a loss for words': 20+ Entitled people who acted completely ungrateful

'I was at a loss for words': 20+ Entitled people who acted completely ungrateful

Gratefulness doesn't come naturally to these people. Usually, people are taught from the time they're young that when someone gives you a gift , you should be thankful. Even if you don't like the gift, you should thank the person who got it for you. When they're five or under, kids tend to be brutally honest about the gifts they do or don't like, and it can be pretty funny for those around them. But when a teenager throws a fit because her parents bought her the wrong car? That's a whole lot le…
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reddit thread family drama aita childfree children child kids having-kids parent parents parenting in-laws wife husband married marriage babies baby pressure couple

'Back off and wait for us to be ready': Childfree couple snaps when tenacious parents pressure them to have kids immediately

When you're in your late 20's or your early 30's, if you've been in a semi-stable relationship for more than 5 minutes, nosy relatives start coming out of the woodwork. You've heard the phrase ‘it takes a village’, but never thought it meant the village coming after your ever-fruitful loins, chasing you with baby-mongering pitchforks and flaming fertility torches.
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'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

'That's what you get for bragging': 15+ Tales of instant karma

Karmic intervention is coming for those who need to be humbled. Just ask the people who shared their favorite stories of the times it's happened to them. It happens to every driver at some point: you're minding your business, enjoying a relaxing drive on the highway, when some dude decides to tailgate you. Some folks just have road rage, and all they want to do is compete with everyone else on the road. It seems like there are a few different types of these drivers. Some are trying to go fast,…
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'I'd never let her forget it': Student's family eats their school project

'I'd never let her forget it': Student's family eats their school project

This is the newest version of “My dog ate my homework.” Apparently for one student, their excuse is that their project got eaten by their family! At some point while you were in high school, you probably had to do this assignment for your health class. Students often have to care for a fake baby as if it's a real baby. The fake baby can be an egg, a bag of flour, or, if you live in a wealthy school district, an electronic baby that cries throughout the day at random intervals. The project often…
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'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

'This is all I get': Person donates 6 bags of clothing and food to young family, then woman demands more

You give someone your little finger, and they'll eventually take the whole hand. I learned the hard way that many people online are fishing for constant donations, and it usually isn't the ones who actually need it. I didn't really lose anything in the process, but I do wish I would have given certain things to people who would actually make use of them. One good-willed person's kindness went south after scouring ‘Free stuff’ groups online and offering 6 bags of clothing and food to a young fam…
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'His face... was priceless': 15+ Times people's lies were immediately discovered

'His face... was priceless': 15+ Times liars got instantly humiliated

These people couldn't believe how perfectly things worked out when they caught liars in the middle of their lies. I mean, that just doesn't happen much in real life. Usually, if you're being lied to, you either find out much later, or not at all. Some folks are notorious liars who can't seem to help themselves. You've probably met this kind of person in your life at some point. Some of them fixate on their health---they'll constantly tell you about their very serious ailments. But the rumor mil…
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family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

Do you think the middle child syndrome actually exists? For those of you who might not know, middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are usually excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order. something about being in the middle, after the exciting first child, and before the extra spoiled youngest child, is supposed to feel like you are the least loved one. I am a middle child, I have an older and a younger sister. But personally, and I might even s…
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'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

'Your granny is a petty revenge master': Family RSVPs for wedding, then doesn't show up

‘Your granny is a petty revenge master’
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‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

You can divide the people of the world into two groups. The first group is people who see their pets as actual family members. People who think twice before they adopt an animal, and seriously consider all the factors of bringing in a pet inside their household. Once they do, that pet gets treated like any other family member, and is loved equally. The second group of people, and I'm sure you can see where I am going with this, are the people who see pets as just another piece of furniture in t…
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'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

'They were trying to peel eggs with a vegetable peeler': 40+ People who were stumped by common household items

These problem-solvers got creative with their kitchen gadgets and random objects. At least they're keeping everyone around them in fits of giggles. No two households are the same, so the things you find normal will be foreign to someone else. Even something as simple as operating a can opener or a toaster can be confusing at another person's house . Maybe one of the most common ones in my experience is trying to figure out how to work someone else's shower. You don't want to push, pull, or turn…
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