

'There is nothing to sue': HOA board member bothers family about fees after matriarch's passing, family sells house against his will

'There is nothing to sue': HOA board member bothers family about fees after matriarch's passing, family sells house against his will

HOA board members cannot really get much more heartless than this. While the family of a matriarch was in the midst of their grieving, Ed (the HOA representative) decided that now would be the right time to bother them about their mother's late fees. The truth of the matter was that even if the family wanted to pay those fees now, they couldn't because the courts had not yet ruled about the particulars of their mother's estate, but that answer was not enough for little old Ed. He kept bothering…
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'When he stepped on the banana peel, his body flew forward': 20+ Childhood memories that had no business being this funny

'When he stepped on the banana peel, his body flew forward': 20+ Childhood memories that had no business being this funny

We all have that one childhood memory that was so funny it turned into a legend. Being a kid is one of the most fun times in life. You wake up in the morning and get to play all day long. It's a time of endless creativity as kids learn how to interact with the world around them and the people in their lives. And, if you've ever interacted with a toddler for more than five minutes, you know that kids get into trouble like it's their job. They're like little whirlwinds of chaos . They find an ope…
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'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

'A lady... brought in an entire rotisserie chicken to watch "Infinity War"': 30+ Unexpected movie theater snacks that viewers snuck past concession stand employees

If you've only ever snuck candy into a movie theater , you haven't lived. These people have snuck in full meals! For many of us, sneaking candy into the movie theater is a way of life. At least in my town, it almost seemed designed that way. The movie theater was in a strip mall, and just two stores down was a dollar store that had a massive candy section at the entrance. It was such a blatant candy display that I wondered if they'd partnered with the theater or something. In reality, they were…
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mooch mooching in-laws restaurant splitting the bill check bills restaurant pay server paying payback family families stories story reddit revenge

Mooching in-laws order luxurious meals expecting everyone to 'split the bill evenly', earning a free serving of petty revenge at the next birthday dinner: 'Never splitting the bill again'

When you're with a big group at a restaurant it seems like the moment everyone decides to ‘split the bill evenly’, the group is divided into two camps. Half of the group insists on being frugal and ordering responsibly, while the other half of the group acts like wild banshee children racing through a candy store with $100 bill.
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'We won't serve you until you pay the bill': Dine and dash family returns to restaurant in attempt to do it again, manager makes sure they pay what they owe

'We won't serve you until you pay the bill': Dine and dash family returns to restaurant in attempt to do it again, manager makes sure they pay what they owe

Every restaurant or store has to deal with people attempting to leave without paying. In stores, it is easier to prevent people from doing it, because they have to leave the premises with a physical item at hand, and it is pretty simple to track the items and make sure they are not stolen. In restaurants, is it a bit more complicated, since a customer consumes the food before they actually pay for it, so they can just up and leave when no one is looking, and never pay a dime. Surely every resta…
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Woman discovers long lost sister, sister blocks her on social media, woman shows up at her work: 'She had no interest in forging a relationship'

This lady needs to take a hint. When she first discovered her long-lost sister, she somehow missed what seemed like obvious clues that her sister, Esty, was uncomfortable about the whole thing given that she fell out of touch with their father. Then, this lady did not get the message when Esty blocked her on social media after the lady started following Esty and messaging her constantly. Finally, Esty took things way too far when she showed up at Esty's place of work completely unannounced. Tha…
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Top 21 Hopecore Posts of the Week for Anyone In Need of a Pick-Me-Up (April 19, 2024)

Top 21 Hopecore Posts of the Week for Anyone In Need of a Wholesome Pick-Me-Up (April 19, 2024)

Have you had your recommended daily dose of happy tears yet today?
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childcare daycare babysitter job kids unrealistic work underpaid nanny babysitting screenshots family funny parents wild - 25451781

Nanny shares the wildest job offers she's received from parents: 'That's $4.50 an hour per family... no thank you!'

Being a nanny can be a rewarding job, but as with any job, there are always some wild offers that come your way. This nanny in particular has had her fair share of crazy job offers she's received from parents, and they are sure to leave you scratching your head. One offer she received was from a family who wanted her to work 60 hours a week for $30k/year, and another family that tried to lower her rate from $22/hour to $4.50/hour. And the best one yet: a family offered to pay her...
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‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

‘Not gonna happen’: Nosy resident attempts to stop neighbor from building a fence to keep them out of their business, leading to a property dispute

When you're a kid, and you are watching a Hallmark movie or just a show that displays the Perfect American Family, you end up assuming that your neighbors are going to become your best friends. In those movies, they always greet each other good morning, their kids end up becoming best friends (and then more often than not - end up getting married), and it always seems like having neighbors is the best experience ever. Is it actually like that in real life? Absolutely not. You are lucky if your…
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'You should have thought about it sooner': Nanny arrives at new job and immediately gets sick, boss refuses to give her a day off

'You should have thought about it sooner': Nanny arrives at new job and immediately gets sick, boss refuses to give her a day off

Being a full-time nanny can either be the best job of your life or the worst, it all depends on the family that you are working for. If the parents are chill and supportive, you can have the best time with their kids and actually become part of the family. But, if the parents are harsh and inconsiderate, the job can easily become a burden and a frustrating experience, even regardless of how the kids themselves behave. Unfortunately, the family in this Reddit story resembles the latter. OP (orig…
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‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

‘They divorced over a $4 book’: People Share Stories About Petty Divorces

People get divorced for all kinds of reasons. They fall out of love, they can't stand their in-laws, they have dissimilar parenting styles, one hates blueberries and the other likes them. Oh wait, that last one was… quite petty. What are the most entertaining but petty reasons people get a divorce? Well, you'll find out once you scroll down and read this oh-so-bitter (but funny) thread about married people who were done with their spouses. For the weirdest reasons. I know people who got divorce…
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Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

Entitled mother-in-law brings uninvited guests to bride's wedding, sabotages photographs: 'Husband taking [his] crazy family's side is a huge red flag':

It's remarkable how common it is for the parents of the bride and groom to think the entire wedding is about them. Of course, if they contributed to the event financially or emotionally, of course, they deserve a voice. However, even parents who pay for an entire wedding should understand that they are not going to be the center of attention the entire time. This entitled mother-in-law didn't even contribute a dime, and yet she still felt the need to stir the pot and cause a scene. First, she r…
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gen-x gen x boomer boomers retired retire retirement hypocritical hypocrite reddit work working workplace age interesting father tenure family son dad old

Gen X dude confronts his father after getting hypocritical advice about retirement: ‘He retired at 50… but [I'm 56] and should continue to work?’

We're all working to eventually retire, right? Apart from the 1%ers and people whose entire identity is entwined in their career, most of us just want to age out, cash in, head to Florida, and live out the rest of our days on the beach with a piña colada in one hand and a good book in the other.
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'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husbands watch to pay for his birthday cake

'Pay her? Get outta here, I'm her dad': Woman sells husband's watch to pay for his birthday cake, infuriates entire family

The dynamics in this family are a big mess. U/F54tughi556 can tell you all about it, because they had an interesting question for r/AmItheA******. The tale revolves around a birthday cake . Some people don't care at all about their birthday cake, and just bring out a package of cupcakes from the grocery store. But to others, especially those who love to share their lives online, having a pretty cake is a major part of a birthday celebration . It's a nice way to remember your special day. This p…
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'There is NO we. You don't live with me!': 15+ public meltdowns from entitled IKEA customers

'There is NO we. You don't live with me!': 15+ public meltdowns from entitled IKEA customers

Going to an IKEA is the kind of experience where if you yourself don't get into an argument with your roommate, partner, or family member, then someone else is bound to do it. With this in mind, let's all take a moment to acknowledge the amount of nonsensical garbage that IKEA employees around the world have to put up with when it comes to disgruntled couples, entitled Karens, and misbehaving kids. If the following list of anecdotes from this r/AskReddit thread serve as any indication, then it'…
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reddit family family-drama drama story moving-out moving rommates cousin aunt uncle kids brother siblings relatable family-stories family-tree relatable dad sister mom cousins parents freeloading

'[They] regret moving out': Freeloading family gets a taste of the real world after refusing to pitch in for groceries and bills

The only reason any of us are enduring our workday for the sake of a measly paycheck is because life is expensive. Watching our bills, groceries, car payments, and rent go up every month isn't exactly an encouraging reality, but only a deluded person would think that the luxuries in life (like a full fridge and gas in your car) would come without a price tag–but then again...
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