

Mean teacher loses students' papers, fails half of the class, and proceeds to get fired | r/ProRevenge u/[deleted 273d JOIN Want fail half class because lost our papers? Enjoy early retirement! So this happened during senior year high school 4 years ago had an english teacher named Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith, or she liked refer herself, Dr. Smith (she didn't have doctorates mean old bat hated anything and everything. She ugly inside and out.

Teacher Loses Students' Papers, Fails Half Of Class, Enjoys Early Retirement

Good riddance.
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An AskReddit thread about the most useless things that students were taught in school | MooPara 6h Math. All highschool math learned pretty much useless and had relearn everything university aware can't really teach some these subjects highschoolers, but then highschool math should teach problem solving and not half-memorising incomplete algorithms. Reply 80

Most Useless Things Students Were Taught In School

So real it hurts.
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A Twitter thread with multiple nostalgic elementary school memories | melina melmadara bringing back weird memories elementary school THREAD running a finger through wall bricks | melina @melmadara static came these blue plastic chair

Twitter Thread: Nostalgic Elementary School Memories

All the throwbacks.
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A quick Quora post on the implications of saying someone is really smart | Why are so many gifted students and adults underachievers? Riley Anderson, lives My Head Answered Feb 8 Misguided praise so smart seems like an innocent compliment, right s not. As gifted child told constantly becomes part identity s makes special s people like about intelligence are only valued if are smart. Now little, school is easy. Especially don't have try at all, and get every question right on every test s because

Quick Quora Post On The Word "Smart"

Failure doesn't count if you don't try.
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Teachers describe the smartest and most creative ways that students cheated | babydragon0 1y S 1 Award My teacher shared with us story about since she allowed eating during her tests, one person pulled out giant bag M&Ms and ate specific color corresponding B/C/D two student duo and they only got caught another student ratted them out. Edit: grammar 18.5k 3

Smartest/Most Creative Ways Students Cheated

Bonus points for thinking outside the box.
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Various things that teachers did that people are still upset about | AnonymouslyRoaster 3d My 6th grade history teacher would clip his toenails class, now have foot phobia. Reply 3.0k

Stunts Teachers Pulled That Still Anger People

Some good old grudges.
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A collection of AskReddit replies to the lies that people were told in college | CalmingVisionary 1d smart and mature people go college No matter college attended, or campus visited and regardless their Alma mater, there are fair amount fools on any campus and any school, and an expected number people still experiencing growing pains adulthood. This isn't say they shouldn't be proud their academic accomplishments or happy about their career prospects. Rather is simply they are by all means defic

Biggest Lies People Heard About College

College is full of surprises.
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Master in animal sciences gets schooled on horses | horses (and horsey creatures certain can get around just fine on 3 legs, no prosthetics needed (depending on which leg is missing just so long as don't ride them 80% sure can't ride them if they've only 3 legs Umm have master's animal science and think must not be anything horse-related. Well gon' learn today! First quick lesson on equine anatomy. They walk on last bone single toe. This is different human which walk on quarter bones our entire

Tumblr Thread: "Master" In Animal Sciences Gets Schooled On Horses

Learn something new everyday.
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Ashton Kutcher graduation speech by principal plagiarized fail

Principal Plagiarizes Entire Graduation Speech

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Teachers describe the moments that they realized kids were gifted | CountPeter 4h used put math joke/puzzle corner white board. Essentially 3 Golden Triangle numbers arranged triangle, and puzzle which gave letter as result middle short an Illuminati joke had this up quite few classes, with nobody being able guess on earth Until last class day student who suffered particularly invasive Autism just came took maybe 3 seconds at most, and then laughed saying "Why have drawn illuminati symbol on boa

Moments Teachers Realized Kids Were Gifted

Pretty fascinating stuff.
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Various people on Twitter describe the moments they started hating school | Leah @ubersle Replying justinboldaji 4th grade answered quiz question do call an animal eats only plants as herbivore. My teacher marked wrong and said vegetarian have taken Supreme Court such my wrath.

Irritating Times Students Encountered Toxic Nonsense

Many students have experienced that moment.
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A quick Tumblr thread appreciates the different perspectives of blind and deaf people | just-shower-thoughts Blind people must save lot on electricity. stomatium They do actually! mauve-moth had blind professor, last semester, and swung through his office make up an exam while

Quick Tumblr Thread Appreciates Different Perspectives

Love this.
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People describe things that school taught them that ended up being false | ABronawithCorona 19h body cannot produce new nerve/brain cells. Turns out neurogenesis is very real phenomenon. Btw taught body cannot make new nervous cells this year my senior Human Anatomy class, long after neurogenesis discovered.

AskReddit Thread: False Things That School Taught Us

School can be deceiving.
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People describe the funniest things they ever saw at school | Habfier25 15h My friend asked go bathroom, and teacher responded with don't know, can And he said don't know, can settle divorce By way, he couldn't settle )

AskReddit Thread: Funniest Things People Saw At School

Students just do the darnedest things.
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Student does 60% of the group project, they try to cut them out, and they end up failing | r/ProRevenge u/saria19 1y JOIN 1 3 1 Group attempted cut out after did about 60 work. They failed. This happened about 12 years ago while studying Aeronautical Engineering. Due some money- grubbing legislation tactics, most who have gone college know about unnecessary courses are tacked onto degrees order graduate. One those courses my degree Business class (seriously think these guys would understand most

Student Does 60% Of Group Project, Group Tries To Cut Student Out

Group projects can be a disaster.
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People describe the most blatant cases of favoritism that they've witnessed | RRuruurrr 23h One my classmates always got better scores on comparable essays high school literature class suggested favoritism so decided write each other's papers see happened. Our study found no matter who wrote paper, if turned got worse grade than if she turned

Most Blatant Cases Of Favoritism People Witnessed

Come on.
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