

Lord Of Rings speech during lecture

Student's Lord Of Rings Speech Met With Deafening Silence

Dude should get an automatic A.
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A professor turns into a complete nightmare so the dean intervenes, and saves the day | r/ProRevenge u/handcraftedcandy 10h Join Last minute professor turns into nightmare make sure she never has job there again. About 10 years ago attending local community College my Associates Fine Arts retrospect dumb do so after economy had tanked 2008 recession but digress my second year during first semester one class had take advance and be on track graduate on time Drawing II this class suppose learn

Professor Turns Into Total Nightmare, Dean Saves The Day

Sometimes the teacher gets schooled.
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Teacher rejects a mom's request to separate her daughter from a poor classmate | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/blueuglydolls 22h Aita telling mom she doesn't make rules my classroom? Not hole First year teaching (second grade) l'll try make this quick. So let's call two girls Hannah and kelly. Now Hannah's mom is on PTA, very involved s clear they have money, and overall her kid is great. Now noticed Hannah's mom being really hovery over her classroom she would volunteer but whatever nothing crazy

Teacher Rejects Mom's Request To Separate Daughter From Poor Classmate

Oh, no, no, no.
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Students describe their best "forgot to turn off the mic" moments while on Zoom calls | daemare 23h 2 Awards had defend my thesis over Zoom and many professors came into call watch. My thesis about immune response fish parasites. One professor joined late and forgot mute her mic and got treated this little gem Shhhh. Mommy is learning about fish parasites, which is get if don't stop peeing koi pond.

Best "Forgot To Turn Off The Mic" Stories From Students On Zoom

Good old Zoom fails.
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A funny Tumblr thread about hilariously dramatic mishaps in drama club | lucasbieneke Apparently my director went see production West Side Story few years ago, and guy playing Chino forgot his gun before coming out his final scene. Once got big scene where he is supposed shoot Tony, he screeched "Poison Boots" and kicked actor playing Tony until he went down girl playing Maria then had jerk shoe off Chino's foot, and had do gunshot scene asking many kicks Chino many kicks, and one kick left

Tumblr Thread: Hilariously Dramatic Mishaps In Drama Club

This is pure gold.
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A mean teacher won't believe student, so student takes revenge by reading all the books | r/ProRevenge u/Anonamaton 2y Join 3 Yes, Mrs. Smith can F*CKING read. Hello all! l'm not sure pro my fifth grader ass but this miserable 6-year-period my education still kinda pisses off, even today. Please forgive necessary backstory don't know why, but some reason teachers and administrators who ran my strict Catholic elementary school decided lying about my reading/writing abilities.

Mean Teacher Won't Believe Student, Student Proves Teacher Wrong

Feel kind of bad for Cathy though.
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The dumbest reasons that kids told on their classmates | morales52904 1d Apparently rolled my eyes at someone kindergarten across room kid so fact they caught looking at ceiling and made about them astonished. On top couldn't even defend myself because had no clue rolling one's eyes even meant or implied. Reply 95

Silliest Reasons Kids Told On Classmates

Kids just do the darnedest things.
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Karen and Karen Jr. try to cheat the system, and get outed by Karen Jr.'s classmate | r/ProRevenge Join u/flannel_enthusiast5 6h Entitled Teacher's Kid Gets Absolutely Wrecked Hey! This is my first time posting this subreddit, but posted O r/RegularRevenge and many folks told drop here as well typically don't post anything, but felt this story too good not share also emboldened after watching some RSlash content on YouTube hope enjoy as much as did. This might take while as well. This is tale en

Karen And Karen Jr. Try To Cheat School System, Get Outed

Not this time, Karens.
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Emotional Twitter thread about student helping classmate with social anxiety | baileyanastas @baileyanastas had this girl my class and she considered be like REALLY DUMB. She'd ask ton questions class, which everybody would consider be "stupid"and "silly" and even teachers would often taunt her but she'd never stop asking

Twitter Thread: Girl Endures Teasing For Anxious Friend

Now that friend is a real keeper.
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An ex-advisor plagiarizes someone's work, gets exposed, and then loses her job | r/ProRevenge Join u/RelativelySorrowfull 20h 1 81 My ex-advisor plagiarized my work, so exposed her and cost her job. Just found out about this subreddit and had share this story initial reason revenge happened 2013, but revenge only happened 2017 keep everything vague as not be recognized context: Back 2013 graduate student pursuing my master's degree my last year program had 24 months finish all work and dissertat

Ex-Advisor Plagiarizes Work, Gets Exposed, Loses Job

Completely appropriate.
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A Twitter thread about a girl discovering surprising truth about her parents | Anya @anyahettich 1d Replying anyahettich So on Monday discussing blood types and this girl trying figure out why her blood type didn't make sense on her Punnett square 27409 O 6,722 Anya @anyahettich 1d She told prof her dad O and her mom but yet she AB 2 27369 5,715 Anya @anyahettich 1d My prof explained s impossible she's confused on blood types or something she even drew out different Punnett squares show her

Twitter Thread: Girl Learns About Blood Types, Family Secret Is Revealed

Oh man, that's tough.
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People describe the worst field trips that they ever went on | HitherFriendly 17h Trip fort had look bus since they wouldn't allow us and went back school. Reply 289

Worst Field Trips People Ever Went On

Hard pass on the canoe museum.
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A quick and funny Tumblr thread about kids worshipping a stuffed octopus | ralsalot not teacher (yet) but do work with students and one them had nerve look dead eye and ask why would be bad idea eat this entire marker They're 11 official-lyzzystardust An 4th grader asked high five by saying little slappy make daddy happy?"

Tumblr Post: Kids Worship Teacher's Stuffed Octopus

Kids just do the silliest things.
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A collection of the funniest reviews that students left for teachers | helicopterpurple 12h 's two words long devil Twice got twice. Either two students left or one wanted make sure didn't miss Either way whooped out loud and showed all my friends Understand, most my scores are positive, and do care about my students think and doing right by them. But just hit funny devil Reply 319

Funniest Reviews Students Left For Teachers

Students can be ruthless.
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A dispute over an alarm clock ends up ending a lazy aunt's career | r/ProRevenge Join u/sunnykl 1y 1 Dispute over an alarm clock ends career recent petty revenge story made remember this experience my teenage years, but this one definitely went all way pro. Strap s going be long. tl;dr at end. So, just before my senior year high school turned 18 and bought car with my saved up years babysitting money. l'd have liked one sooner, but my mother absolutely refused. At 18 my big act teenage rebellion

Dispute Over Alarm Clock Ends Entitled Aunt's Career

She sounds like the worst.
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Mean teacher loses students' papers, fails half of the class, and proceeds to get fired | r/ProRevenge u/[deleted 273d JOIN Want fail half class because lost our papers? Enjoy early retirement! So this happened during senior year high school 4 years ago had an english teacher named Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Smith, or she liked refer herself, Dr. Smith (she didn't have doctorates mean old bat hated anything and everything. She ugly inside and out.

Teacher Loses Students' Papers, Fails Half Of Class, Enjoys Early Retirement

Good riddance.
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