

'She was livid': Wedding planner tells sister her marriage won't last, quits, sister loses venue

'She was livid': Wedding planner tells sister her marriage won't last, quits, sister loses venue

It turns out this bridezilla couldn't handle the truth.
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'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

'It’s not me, it’s you': 20 regrettable things people said during breakups

In fairness, there's certainly no easy way to break up with someone. You can try to be as prepared and as measured as possible, but in the end, it always goes down differently than expected because at the end of the day, relationships are a two-way street. Your experience of how something is or isn't working will inevitably clash with the other person's perspective. So when you're finally readying yourself for that unfortunate conversation, it's unavoidable that someone will say something surpr…
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quora affair mistress relationships quora-thread cheating relationship fails divorce infidelity - 21186821

‘He wants me to quit’: Woman’s fiancé is already married and wants her unemployed

This woman's engagement to a married man has her questioning her career.
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'Bye Bye Calvin Klein's!': Wife discovers husband cheated, cuts holes into all his socks and boxers

'Bye Bye Calvin Klein's!': Wife discovers husband cheated, cuts holes into all his socks and boxers

This woman knew she needed to enact a little petty revenge before getting a divorce.
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'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex requests years of receipts, dude

'You out-lawyered the lawyer': Divorced ex demands years of receipts, cue malicious compliance

This guy created a nightmare scenario at this lawyers' office – but at least they got a good laugh out of it! Every couple going through a divorce is different, and this couple unfortunately went through a “heated divorce/custody battle." As u/FederalAnt9 wrote to r/MaliciousCompliance, their ex kept demanding more and more money — she thought that the OP was stashing money away elsewhere, while the OP could barely afford food each day. While the lawyer didn't necessarily mean to hassle this pe…
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family drama marriage revenge wife petty revenge relationships husband exes divorce family healthcare reddit thread Reddit toxic relationship - 21059077

'He is basically paying me $400 a month not to file for divorce': Woman gets back at husband by charging him for healthcare every month

This woman deserves an Oscar for how petty she is.
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'Wife #2 at 32 huh?': Dude lashes out at family after they disapprove of his second marriage

'Wife #2 at 32 huh?': Dude lashes out at family after they disapprove of his second marriage

There's nothing like an upcoming wedding to cause family members to pass judgment.
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'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

Birthday obsessives are the bane of everyone's existence and we all have that one friend who can't stand it when people don't worship them once a year. Some random childhood trauma created the birthday-obsessed adults that we see today and, even though it's just a regular day marked on the regular calendar, folks get a little crazy about the anniversary of their birth. Like Disney adults, birthday obsessives tend to be emotionally immature...
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marriage jealous true-off-my-chest wife fake photoshop husband cheating confession Photo divorce reddit thread Reddit adultery - 20929797

'I saw pictures of you with another man': Guy files for divorce after receiving photoshopped images of wife with another man and kid

Talk about a prank gone wrong!
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'I just found out my coworker is my cousin': Employee uncovers family secret, debates whether or not she should tell the whole family

'I just found out my coworker is my cousin': Employee uncovers family secret, debates whether or not she should tell the whole family

Talk about office drama!
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boyfriend marriage wife askreddit relationships girlfriend husband divorce breakup Reddit funny dating couple - 20787973

'You are not their parent': 20+ wholesome lessons people learned after their first relationship

Let's take it back to your first real relationship.
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marriage askreddit relationships divorce breakup Reddit dating couple - 20541957

'I found out he had a wife and 2 kids in a different country': 15 folks share what caused their last breakup

Sometimes, breakups happen because of reasons that feel inevitable, and sometimes they happen because of the most unexpected reasons. For instance, one might consider having an entirely separate family in a different country to be a bit unexpected. Keep scrolling below for this collection of confessions surrounding recent breakups, compiled from Reddit's r/AskReddit thread. For more compilations like this, check out these top worst first dates and these bizarre coworker tales!
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boyfriend epic-revenge breakup-story cheater-karma foreclosure-story mortgage-plan petty revenge toxic-wife divorce toxic-partner Reddit breakup-drama karma toxic-girlfriend - 20423173

'She's bankrupt, I'm debt free': Boyfriend serves epic karma to cheating girlfriend by playing the long game

Breakups are never easy, especially if you're married and even more especially if one of the partners does something to sever the trust you two might of had. It's what heartbreak is. It takes a longtime for someone in a relationship to have that epiphany that it needs to end, and it never feels good when you have it, but at least you know what has to be done now. A guy on Reddit recently shared his breakup drama from his past and his epic revenge he got one his cheating wife. He writes in r/pet…
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'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

Karma always seems to find a way, whether it's directly through a person you wrong, or in a roundabout kind of way that is a little less obvious. One man took to r/pettyrevenge to share the time his cheating ex-wife got her car repossessed and towed by a credit company that had been attempting to locate her for quite some time. He had married her young after she had gotten pregnant, and she had continuously cheated on him, to the point where he filed for divorce. In the divorce, she had asked f…
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marriage wedding divorce mildly infuriating reddit thread Reddit funny choosing beggar - 20089861

'I will need a refund': Newly divorced woman tries to get money back from wedding photographer

Here is yet another fine example of beggars trying to be choosers! This woman used a photographer's services for her 2019 wedding and reached out to him four years later asking for a full refund. Why would she be suggesting that she deserves said refund, you ask? Well, looks like the lady got a divorce. One has to wonder if she is going to apply the same logic to all the gifts she received from her wedding guests. I mean, now that she's divorced, shouldn't she technically “no longer” be needing…
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AITA for leaving an equal inheritance to my stepson as my bio kids

Dad Gives His Stepson an Equal Share of His Inheritance, Faces the Wrath of His Biological Children

You know that feeling when your father drafts his will in such a messed up way that it becomes clear he should really be investing in therapy instead?
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