

'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

'He threw a temper tantrum': Coworker gets fired after other delivery drivers get back at him through malicious compliance

Have you ever had that one coworker who will manipulate every situation and use every tool and any loophole at their disposal in order to make sure that things always go their way? If you haven't, good for you, and please let me know how you've managed to avoid them for so long. These coworkers—Gary, let's call them Gary… Now, Gary is no dull blade; the ability to gaslight and manipulate your way through a team of people takes knowledge, brains, and skill. But Gary is often lazy, looking to avo…
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'I called up corporate': Delivery driver phones a customer's boss

'I called up corporate (yes, call me Karen)': Delivery driver phones a lying customer's boss

Power to all the workers who have had enough of lying customers getting their way. This guy is one of them. As a delivery guy, u/Motor-Corner4861 shared to the r/doordash_drivers subreddit, they had an encounter with a liar that was quite memorable. The OP writes that they got an order for a burger place, and drove the order to the customer. They actually remembered this dude, due to a name that was out of the ordinary. The OP thought the transaction went smoothly, which was reinforced by an ex…
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'[You] accused them of stealing THEIR OWN PACKAGE': Neighbors face off over cats, dogs, and stolen packages

'[You] accused them of stealing THEIR OWN PACKAGE': Neighbors squabble over cats, dogs, and stolen packages, then one neighbor involves police

Some neighbors will never see eye to eye.
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customer service karens pizza pizza delivery karen-customer pizza guy karens in the wild package delivery delivery karen - 1850119

'I want my pizza for free': Karen answers door naked, demands free pizza, pizza guy calls police

This isn't how I remember that going…
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closing sign malicious compliance pizza australia closed delivery karen - 20137477

'A Karen barged in': Woman demands to be served pizza at closed restaurant

A restaurant being closed has never stopped this woman from demanding pizza . I have never understood why customers will insist on being served at establishments that are closed for the day. You can say to them, “Hey we're actually closed,” and they'll cut you off mid-sentence to start the order. It's like they didn't even hear you! They've come for their food, and they can't imagine leaving without it. When I worked in fast food, this happened every time I closed. As we shut the lights off ins…
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reviews karens work-story workplace-stories review pizza delivery 1-star-review Karen-in-the-wild business delivery karen - 19986181

'Are you kidding me!!!': Owner sets the record straight when Karen leaves 1-star review because a tornado delayed her delivery

Being a delivery driver isn't an easy job. Sure, you might get to cruise around in your car while listening to your favorite tunes, but that's where the fun stops. The other (significant) part of the job involves going onto a stranger's property. A stranger who was, for some reason, incapable of making or retrieving their own food—with this reason usually being varying levels of intoxication or antisocial nature. This exchange usually occurs at night, in the dark, leading to already heightened…
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"I was charged an 'inflation fee'": Top 30+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (April 1, 2023)

"I was charged an 'inflation fee'": Top 30+ Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (April 1, 2023)

From infuriating to just mildly frustrating , these people shared the most annoying parts of their week. People shared some tiny frustrations, like one person, whose local grocery store began cutting the bread weirdly. Others posted bigger issues — like one guy who realized his shoes were uneven only after he'd been wearing them for some time. Scroll down to check out these folks who just can't catch a break. Next up, this employee is living the dream – they called out of work 4 days in a row w…
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karens hoa pizza home owners association pizza delivery karen-customer food delivery hoa-karen karens in the wild story service-industry-stories delivery karen - 19902725

HOA Karen gets entire neighborhood banned from pizza place by giving terrible tip

Usually, bad tippers get off scot-free and—well, completely free. But this HOA Karen managed to get her entire neighborhood banned from a pizza place simply because of the sheer atrocity that was her tip. This brilliant story was shared to Reddit's aptly named r/r/f**kHOA subreddit, a community where stories are shared with a theme that you can probably surmise. Occasionally stories from this subreddit will trend onto Reddit's r/all front page, as this one did when it was originally posted. The…
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In my area, repair shops order tires on DoorDash.

'No one can fit that in their car': Delivery driver confused by enormous order he literally cannot fit in his vehicle

A food delivery driver got an order that was neither food nor deliverable. Delivery work can be hard – dealing with cranky Karen customers , working with restaurant staff who rush you along, and of course, driving for hours. But this guy's problem is a little out of the ordinary. He's used to delivering the normal items, but not an oversized load like this! As u/nabiscosoursnac shared to a delivery subreddit , he accepted a delivery without knowing what was in the order. Once he saw that it was…
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Courrier Kevin will die on the code hill

'I'm telling you, you're wrong': Delivery dingus insists he's at the correct address, while customer swears he is not

This package courier got stuck in a loop of stupidity while he tried to figure out where he was. It can't be easy to be a delivery driver of any kind — dealing with bad customers , traffic, and confusion caused by orders makes this quite the demanding job. But this goofy Kevin in particular is not really cut out for the role! As u/wsele shared to r/StoriesAboutKevin, she had a truly odd encounter with a befuddled delivery dude . She wrote that she placed an order through a courier service , add…
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Elderly Dominoes Delivery Driver Falls on the Job, Instead of Reprimanding Her for the Ruined Pizza Wholesome Family Steps in to Help Fund Her Retirement

Elderly Dominoes Delivery Driver Falls on the Job, Instead of Reprimanding Her for the Ruined Pizza Wholesome Family Steps in to Help Fund Her Retirement

I'm not crying, you're crying
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20+ Stupid Food Fails

Top 25 Food Fails of the Week (February 24, 2023)

Not everyone was born to be a cook!
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Delivery drivers and taco bell haters should read this. I cost taco bell $1000

'Stop being upset at every little tiny thing and bothering managers': Delivery driver's pro revenge results in heavy fine for restaurant

This delivery driver was completely fed up with being put in her place by restaurant staff, so she decided to make a few phone calls to get revenge . Food delivery is a tough job, according to u/dadsabrat, who shared her story on r/ProRevenge. And it's made even more difficult by the whims of restaurant staff and managers , who the OP claims treat her and other drivers disrespectfully. There's not much they can do about it normally, but on this particular day, there was actually a safety concer…
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20 Food Delivery Memes and Fails for Frustrated Drivers and Impatient Customers

20 Food Delivery Memes and Fails for Frustrated Drivers and Impatient Customers

Friendly reminder to tip your drivers, everyone!
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30+ People who would be helplessly lost without the internet and technology

30+ People who would be helplessly lost without the internet and technology

The internet grows so rapidly that sometimes we take for granted how recently it was that its' tendrils just didn't reach some people. People just used to not be online. And maybe some still are, “Castaway” style, avoiding the screens that seem inevitable. These days, it's all but impossible not to be on the inter webs. Most people in the 2020s have some kind of social media, even if it's just a Facebook account. However, the internet is slowly seeping into every aspect of life, like with new f…
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The 20 Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week

'Does it get more insulting than this?': 20 Mildly Infuriating Moments This Week (December 7, 2022)

Bad tipping, wasteful packaging, misleading ads, oh my!
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