

‘She is living beyond her means’: Daughter $3,000 in debt demands her mom bail her out, mom refuses but offers a budgeting plan, daughter throws adult tantrum

‘She is living beyond her means’: Daughter $3,000 in debt demands her mom bail her out, mom refuses but offers a budgeting plan, daughter throws adult tantrum

How does a parent teach their child the importance of budgeting? It's an essential skill to have as an adult, but a complicated thing to explain to a kid who has only ever handled Monopoly bills…
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gen-x boomer boomers parents parent parenting kids children broke parenting moving-out moving-in vacation lavish finance finances reality money retirement savings debt

Gen X couple grapples with a hard decision after finding out their broke parents planned a lavish vacation: ‘Congratulations, you are now their retirement plan’

When a fully-fledged adult flops financially, they can usually move back in with their parents to bounce back. There's that memorable stigma of the 'wanton failure' moving back in with mom and dad that's been ingrained in our heads since the dawn of rom-com rock bottom movie intro. But none of us are ever prepared for the moment that our parents move back in with the kids.
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work employee boss manager working business job company hire hiring bonus signing-bonus cash money spent riches reddit tifu

'I was given a $75,000 sign on bonus... but boy did I [mess] up': Employee scores a $75,000 signing bonus, squanders the cash, gets fired, then goes into debt; goes viral for laughing at his misfortune

As I get older, it's become clear that some of the things I did when I was younger could be considered a 'mistake'– but in the end, I learned from those failed experiences more than I did my successes. We're human! We all make mistakes. But it's not every day that we're faced with the consequences of a $75k mistake...
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'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

'Cut off our electricity? No problem!': Exes disagree over who will pay electric bill, ex-girlfriend won't answer texts until debt collectors show up

This breakup was pretty messy . Some breakups are simple — you just stop talking and pretend it never happened for a while. Others drag on and on, like the relationship this couple had. Splitting the bills as roommates seems to be a common problem that starts drama. These days, you can send a Venmo request without saying a word to your roommate. It's easy to complete their request, or request some money from them, with a few taps of a button. Because the alternative is asking them in person, wh…
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'I was prepared to help, however...': Unkind coworker lashes out at the accountant helping him absolve $4,500 in debt; ends up having to pay in full

Rudeness doesn't get you very far in the customer service world. As someone who used to answer phones to help out my company's customers, the ones who opened the call with raw fury rarely saw me go above and beyond to help them. Nobody wants to go out of their way to help someone who's going to act like a meany pants.
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wedding weddings bride bridal-party maid-of-honor deception debt credit-card-debt marriage bachelorette-party bachelorette stolen kicked-out deserves steal thief stolen money payback

'She [must have] planned this heist for a year': Bride's MOH steals $25,000 from the bridal party to pay for her own credit card debt; gets kicked out of the wedding

Weddings bring out the worst in people
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wedding wedding-gift family family-business gift petty revenge debt bills pay payback payment relatives reddit

'They were looking forward to getting money': Newlyweds, in debt €2,000 to the family business, are absolved of their debt in lieu of a wedding gift; get offended it's not cash

Family members can be least grateful band of blood relatives out there. For some, they feel as if their genetic relations entitle them to special treatment, which sometimes it does, but when cousins, uncles, siblings, and grannies start taking advantage of their family members's niceties, blood-relations quickly turn bitter. In this case, a family run business was being extraordinarily generous to their kin...
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hardworking daughter parents parent college college-fund baby son university freshman money student-loans student-debt loans debt student college-student reddit aita brother sister finance promise

'iT's OuR mOnEy': Hardworking daughter gets her college fund robbed after graduation when her parents surprise her with a baby brother and revoke half of her college savings

Wrestling student debt after you graduate college is a lot like taking on a polar bear in a 1v1, mano-a-mano fist fight. The odds are certainly against you and even if you manage to beat the bear, you'll likely freeze out in the cold arctic tundra afterwards. You may have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that you owe the Feds, but at least you took home a piece of paper that says that you know how to shotgun a beer before writing a 10 page research paper on gender studies.
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'I don't want that door locked; I quit': Employee owes $18,000 to company after she changes entire doorknob to storage room, then quits

'I don't want that door locked; I quit': Employee owes $18,000 to company after she changes entire doorknob to storage room, then quits

Promotions at work can leave a bittersweet aftertaste in your mouth; on the one hand, your financial situation improves along with your increase in salary, but on the other hand, your coworkers may develop a deep disdain towards you overnight. In this case, OP got promoted to being in charge of daily operations at a small municipal department they both worked at, and a Karen employee didn't take kindly to OP's new position. Karen was the type of obnoxious employee who complained that she was th…
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'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

'If you don't pay your bills, you don't get to keep your stuff': Credit company serves as petty revenge messenger to man's cheating ex wife; they tow and repossess her car

Karma always seems to find a way, whether it's directly through a person you wrong, or in a roundabout kind of way that is a little less obvious. One man took to r/pettyrevenge to share the time his cheating ex-wife got her car repossessed and towed by a credit company that had been attempting to locate her for quite some time. He had married her young after she had gotten pregnant, and she had continuously cheated on him, to the point where he filed for divorce. In the divorce, she had asked f…
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'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

'I left him $4.86 and a note saying he now owes people who can collect' : Petty revenge ensues when leech roommate attempts to leave friend with debt that may lead to eviction

Roommate situations can get muddled and messy real fast, especially when matters concerning money are involved. You'd think you could trust a friend in that regard, but don't be so quick to assume… people can unpleasantly surprise you, as made obvious in this tale of petty revenge. One man told his ‘roommate horror story’ to r/pettyrevenge, which took place many years ago. While in college, he rented out a room in the summer at a friend's apartment in Colorado. He wasn't aware that this ‘friend…
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scammer tumblr scammers debt scam - 17339653

Thread Exposes Shady Scam Practice Used By Debt Collectors and Banks

It's almost hard to believe that a (mostly) credible financial institution could resort to such predatory practices but the unfortunate thing is that it happens all of the time. Something similar happened to me with one of the top medical institutions in the state where I grew up. Turns out, they had hidden fees that they charged into an “account” under your name every time you went for a visit. This was in addition to the copay I had to make for my insurance.
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revenge ex voicemail debt - 17180421

Guy Gets Call From Debt Collector About Ex-Wife's Debt, Leaves Them 600 Voicemails as Revenge

Divorce is never final, whether it's because of the kids, ongoing financial disputes, or just fending off a salty ex, it's going to haunt you. That being said… there are those who have spit who somehow manage to make it work and still be friends and props to those people. They are gods among us. Well, this guy, Redditor u/Nerd_Law, is continuing to be haunted by his ex-wife, from who he split eight years ago. Not over children or hard feelings but certainly over her finances. He keeps receiving…
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TikToker Rags on CNBC's Post "Typical Monthly Spending of a 25-Year-Old" And Sparks Debate

TikToker Rags on CNBC's Post "Typical Monthly Spending of a 25-Year-Old" And Sparks Debate

The three-year-old article is still getting a huge rise out of millennials and the Gen-Z—now, TikTokers are chiming in about it also.
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guy has trivial debt, pays with a dime | Posted by u/Darz167 15 hours ago 3 4 33 E 2 Paying final balance my student loan, or so thought oc s This back late 90's before payments could be made via websites, so all payments had be made by check and mailed into loan company know dark ages!

Dude Gets Hounded For Trivial Debt, Mails Them a Dime

Is this worth anyone's time?
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nephew steals from uncle, uncle refuses to pay 40K of college money

Thief Nephew Steals His Way Out of College Money

Not so well-played, bruh.
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