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'[He] cooked that nights' ramen in river water': 25 Boy Scouts tell the wildest things that happened on their camping trips

These scouts are lucky to have survived these camping trips full of mishaps. They gained the memories of a lifetime, and they're sharing them today in reply to @paynushurts' Twitter question: “What was the 'incident' at your summer Boy Scout camping trip?” The answers were wide-ranging and completely hilarious. Some people shared stories from when they were little kids, while others had their craziest times happen as teenagers. Going on a camping trip with your scouting troop is a great way to…
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High School Tutor Gets Overwhelming Praises When She Helps an Underprivileged Kid Get a Full Ride Scholarship by Overstepping Ethical Boundaries

Rich kids have it so easy. Anyone who's ever clawed their way through the class system knows that if you ever reached the top, you'd really have to screw things up to fall from graces. With endless opportunities, golden parachutes, and full-time staff members devoted to helping you succeed, rich kids have the world at their fingertips. But it's not so simple for the regular folks down here at the bottom...
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