

Yield to Love

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Via Cyanide and Happiness

Run, Run to the D!

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Via Sofa Pizza

Dad Always Had a Way With Words

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Via Twitter the Comic

That Special Something

comic forever alone funny standards - 7894556928
Via Everyday Blues

Don't Let Height Disparity Get in the Way of Smooching

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Via Madeleine Flores

The Best Foundation Secret Fashion Magazines Won't Tell You

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This is What Happens When You Hog the Covers

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Via Buttersafe

The Best Sex vs. The Worst

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Via Collge Humor

It's Okay Men, It Gets Less Angular

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I Also do a Little Hiking

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Via Bizarro Comics

But Doc, They Can't Go Any Higher!

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Via Emmy

The Differences Are Subtle Here

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Created by fergieflo ( Via The Doghouse Diaries )

Never Delve Into the Depths of a Man's Mind

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Responsible Citizen

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Via Everyday Blues

Don't Even Try to Cover Up Any Giggling

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Created by tetsujin28 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Too Bad This Doesn't Actually Work

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