

aita marriage brother relationships family sister children dating - 16378117

Sister Reveals Brother's Four Illegitimate Children to Fiancé, Ruins Engagement

How many "accidents" can you have?
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wtf secret kids brother lies truth family fiancé children - 16376325

Woman "Ruins" Brother's Engagement By Telling Fiancé About His Four Secret Children

The brother has the audacity to get mad about the “private” details of his four existing kids being told to his future wife. It's pretty safe to say this guy had no intention of telling his own fiancé about his complicated family tree, so good on OP for letting it slip. The hell does this guy think he is, just Mr. Magooing his way into making all these people. It's not like you can just slip on a freshly waxed floor and accidentally get more than one woman pregnant. This guy needs locking under…
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funny stupid kids

Dumb Times Kids Proved That They're Strange Creatures

Well, they're the future anyway.
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aita bride sisters parenting wedding sister bridezilla Reddit weddings children - 16310789

Bride Loses it When Sister Brings Her "Child" to Bride's Childfree Wedding, That Child is 19 Years Old

Since when is 19 years old a child?
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queen wtf kids British Video children - 107782401

Kid Gets Decked By Queen's Guard

Dang dude those guys don't give a damn. It feels like this is the sort of thing that feels like it came out of a Newspaper from a hundred years ago, but nah. Apparently these guards have strict orders to never deviate from their path, resulting in moments like these. These guys were doing their regular marching routine when a kid didn't get out of the way, getting a taste of what's left of the British Empire.
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parenting fails and kids messing things up

18 Times Kids Made Parenting Way More Challenging

What a joy.
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funny times kids were weird and dumb

Conclusive Proof That Kids Are Dumb And Weird

What's their deal?
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funny parenting memes

Parenting Memes For Those Whose Lives Are Over

Good luck out there.
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parents stories of looking away for a second as their kid does something bad

Parents and Their "I Just Looked Away For a Second" Moments

Aaaand they're gone.
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family, children, relationships

Couple Tells Judgmental In-Laws That They’d Rather “Eat Sushi” Than Have Children, Get Disowned From Family

Imagine getting so upset over this!
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siblings parenting family children - 15510533

Sister and Mother Insist Woman Babysits Her Sister's Children For Three Days a Week

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dumb and funny things kids did

Funny Signs Kids Are Dumb As Heck

Who knows, maybe they'll turn out okay.
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piano musical prodigy child makes up song on the spot

Child Prodigy Improvises Sonata In Under One Minute

It was based on four random notes.
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funny moments of kids being stupid

Signs Kids Are Dumber Than Bushels of Hammers

They're pretty dumb for people who spend so much time in school.
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A Twitter thread argues that strict parenting actually sets kids up for failure later in life.

Twitter Thread: Strict Parenting Sets Kids Up For Failure

Strict parenting can have some serious consequences.
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A collection of the funniest "kid logic" moments that people have ever witnessed.

Most Hilarious "Kid Logic" Moments

Kid logic inspires some comedy gems.
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