

'Don't bring my husband into this': Airline passenger told to move seats by a mother, flight attendant takes mother's side

'Don't bring my husband into this': Airline passenger told to move seats by a mother, flight attendant takes mother's side

Flying is stressful enough already — but these airline passengers just couldn't agree on their seating arrangements. When you're taking a vacation or a work trip, often times you'll need to book a flight. It can make it way faster to get to your destination, but it's not a perfect system. Flying is pricey, so you want to get the best experience possible after paying hundreds of dollars for your seat. That's what u/DinckinFlikka was expecting when he flew for a work trip. He had a good reason fo…
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'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

'HOA came down to our house to personally ask us to remove the sign': Family devises clever HOA workaround to avoid 24-hour sign rule

This family will not be stopped by an HOA. The whole concept of an HOA is designed to benefit HOA members, not the people who live in the neighborhood . We all want to just decorate our properties as we see fit. If you're an adult who owns a property, why should anyone else tell you what to do there (not counting things outside the law, obviously). If you want to plant sunflowers, put in a nice swing, or support your favorite sports team with a sign or a flag, there's no reason you shouldn't do…
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'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's devices, makes himself late for work

'After a week with no electronics, it finally happened': Father takes son's electronics, only to have the punishment backfire on him

It's your job as a parent to try to raise your kid right. You try to instill good values and push them to be kind, hardworking, and to follow the rules. But of course, kids definitely do not always follow rules, especially when they're young. This person remembered a funny tale from when he was in elementary school . He did something to annoy his father, though neither of them can recall what the incident was anymore. So u/Zylly's father decided the best course of action was to take away all hi…
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'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

'Just like that, I was unemployed': Game store exec fires employee for refusing to sell his teenage son a video game

This person was just trying to follow the rules . But that didn't matter at all to the store they worked for. At every job, there are specific rules that you have to follow. Sometimes you can bend the rules a bit to make your life easier. But some things are too important to mess around with. Age restricted items would probably fall under that second category. This person, u/PM_ME_UR_DIPLOMA, had a story for r/TalesFromRetail on this very subject. They write that while working at a video game s…
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‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘Kids these days’ is a saying that has been used for centuries to describe the younger generation, who have some serious courage (more than I ever had, to be sure). Kids don't really get the implications of their actions unless they are taught a lesson, and that lesson can come in all shapes and forms. Good parenting is critical to solving recurring issues, such as the one I am about to tell, and luckily the dad in the story understood the assignment. OP began his tale by explaining how two kid…
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'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

'He gave her a receipt for a donation of $3 million': Father withholds money from one of his twin daughters after she takes a stand about her wedding

No one can agree if this father is doing the right thing with his vast fortune.
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'Change the kid won't eat any of that': 30+ Brides and grooms share the weird and funny things people told them while planning their big day

'Change the kid won't eat any of that': 30+ Brides and grooms share the weird and funny things people told them while planning their big day

While planning your wedding , everyone is thrilled for you, and they will all insist they have some great advice to tell you. From cake mishaps to a mother in law demanding two first dances, these people have had handled some odd requests and advice. While planning a wedding with the person you love, it's so romantic to get swept up in planning your dream day. It's supposed to be the day you and your loved one tie the knot forever, and you want all your closest friends and family right by your…
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'None of my business': Son avoids dad's chores after dad tells him 'it's your responsibility'

'None of my business': Son ignores dad's chores after dad tells him 'it's your responsibility'

This teenager doesn't want to help his dad with chores anymore after the way his dad spoke to him. When you're 17 years old, you're so close to being an adult, but you aren't quite there yet. People still get to treat you like a kid, whether you like it or not. That's why commenters are divided on this guy's story about a rainy-day chore gone wrong, with some blaming the teenage OP, and others blaming his father. This story is about what happens when you dry clothing outside without accounting…
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'We end up cutting our meal short': Parent defends new girlfriend from tween daughter

'We end up cutting our meal short': Parent defends new girlfriend from tween daughter's accusations

This parent has a question about their dating life , and they aren't going to like the responses he got. U/sasisgsbseb asked if they're wrong for the way their girlfriend has been treated by their daughter. The whole situation went down when the OP took their 12 year old daughter to lunch with the 47 year old OP's 33 year old GF. “My girlfriend does not particularly like interacting with waiters or waitresses ,” the OP admitted. While the GF's prior bad experiences with waitstaff might have mad…
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Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (August 1, 2023)

Let's take a moment today to appreciate our Dads in all their "Dad Joke" glory.
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'[I] covered my father's whole house in ants': Guy's plan to get back at Dad for being too controlling backfires, attracting colonies of ants

'[I] covered my father's whole house in ants': Guy's plan to get back at Dad for being too controlling backfires, attracting colonies of ants

Sometimes, revenge plans can have unexpected consequences that make the whole story significantly more entertaining. We know that in a perfect world, our plotting and scheming will go according to plan. But as we know all too well on this site, this is by no means a perfect world. Plans can backfire, and in this case, they backfired gloriously. This dude shared his story via this thread on Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit. He prefaced his tale of vengeance with some background about his recent…
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Top Dad Jokes: Father's Day Edition (June 18, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes: Father's Day Edition (June 18, 2023)

For this Father's Day, we ask that you accept your dad's corniness.
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mother father surgery tonsil tonsils health healthcare sick sick-child child kids parenting fail reddit aita birthday obsessed obsessive crazy childhood drama divorce custody

'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

Birthday obsessives are the bane of everyone's existence and we all have that one friend who can't stand it when people don't worship them once a year. Some random childhood trauma created the birthday-obsessed adults that we see today and, even though it's just a regular day marked on the regular calendar, folks get a little crazy about the anniversary of their birth. Like Disney adults, birthday obsessives tend to be emotionally immature...
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Top Dad Jokes of the Week (June 1, 2023)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week (June 1, 2023)

It's been a while since we took a look at a fresh batch of dad jokes. Now that it's the month of Father's Day, we'll all be hearing plenty of jokes like this in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more! When you're finished with these, check out these top tales from the front desk.
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work stories toxic-workplace workplace-story job work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses Father - 20656389

'I applaud your father for... calling their bluff': Employee refutes his job's petty HR team with his own evidence

Imagine working hard for decades for the same company, pushing towards retirement age, only for them to turn around and treat you terribly. Many companies simply do not care about their employee wellbeing, instead, they only care about their bottom line. There was a time where working for a company for decades really meant something — the company could be trusted to care about their employees who were loyal to the business over the years. But these days, it's all about keeping shareholders and…
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Man instructs son to 'act like we’re a happy family' in front of friends

'I got kicked out': Man instructs son to 'act like we’re a happy family' in front of friends, son makes it extra awkward

This family brought their messy drama to a 25 year reunion party , and things quickly got awkward. Family life is different for everyone, and while many people have stellar relationships with their parents and siblings, others have a harder time getting along. In this story, the OP is still quite young, having just turned 18. But as they share in their post to r/AmItheA**hole, their parents don't really care about them. In fact, the OP was kicked out of their house on their 18th birthday ! Appa…
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