

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

'Remember having pen pals?': Gen Xers weigh in on the things that make their generation stand out

Each generation has things that make them unique, and collective memories that bring them all together. That's especially true for people who were born between the 1960s and 1980s, who spent a lot of time together playing outside and exploring the world by bicycle. U/Ruffffian asked the latchkey generation about the things that define them, and people had some excellent answers. Some people wrote in about the fashion trends of the time, like poofy hairdos teased to perfection and sprayed with a…
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30 Memes that '70s and '80s kids will remember from way back when

30 Memes that '70s and '80s kids will remember from way back when

Gen X grew up spending their days outdoors. They also had a lot of cool tech back then, like cassette tapes , that just aren't popular anymore. Now that music is on everyone's phones and computers, no one needs a separate device made just for music. That's certainly something that many of us look back on wistfully. Playgrounds are another of those Gen X legends that almost seem too crazy to be true. Photos of the playgrounds from back them make them seem dangerous! Playgrounds just get safer an…
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