School of Fail

Lord of the Rings

It's time for a Fellowship LOTR fans. If you're down with Bombadill and Ents, then you'll be doubled over laughing at these hilarious jokes all about your favorite Tolkien land. Can you truly call yourself a Lord of the Rings fan if you don't appreciate these jokes? Take the plunge and find out.

You Shall Not Pass!

finals Lord of the Rings inspirational you shall not pass - 6870597376
Created by DancesWithWolves
literature summary Lord of the Rings Video - 68586753

Literature Summary: The Lord of the Rings

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Lord of the Exams

exams Lord of the Rings funny - 7950333184

Now Throw It Into Mount Doom!

Lord of the Rings - 5980630784

Listen to Gandalf, The Guy Knows His Advanced Calculus

gandalf Lord of the Rings you shall not pass - 5935391232

Doesn't Matter, It's Over Now

exams Hall of Fame Lord of the Rings - 6278872832

Required Reading for the Weekend

Harry Potter hunger games Lord of the Rings narnia twilight - 5949182720

It Has The Same Effect On My GPA

gifs homework Lord of the Rings tumblr - 5690084352

Eye of So Wrong

Via Tumblr

Elves are Great a Calculus

Lord of the Rings calculus math g rated School of FAIL - 7122063360
Via Whimsies and Musings
Lord of the Rings gandalf The Hobbit - 45441793

Fighting Trees is All Gandalf Does Anyway, Right?

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Hooray for the One Ring!

nasa Lord of the Rings phone hooray - 7151580928
Created by Lucky810

Here I Go!

Lord of the Rings titan The Hobbit - 6864552704
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Legolas, How Far Can Your Elf Eyes See?

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Nice Try, Balrog.

Lord of the Rings one does not simply you shall not pass - 6005952256
Created by alyssascloud

Book Sculpting WIN

art best of week book Hall of Fame Lord of the Rings The Hobbit - 6535273216
Via Flavorwire
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