School of Fail


Listen to Gandalf, The Guy Knows His Advanced Calculus

gandalf Lord of the Rings you shall not pass - 5935391232

I Feel Strangely Aroused

gandalf science albert einstein funny - 6374017024

Bad News For Harry

dumbledore gandalf Hall of Fame Harry Potter you shall not pass - 6148470784

Gandalf: The Bearer of Failed Classes

Lord of the Rings gandalf college - 7064214528

The Beauty of the Pass/Fail Class

gandalf Hall of Fame you shall not pass - 5883331584
Lord of the Rings gandalf The Hobbit - 45441793

Fighting Trees is All Gandalf Does Anyway, Right?

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Time to Cast Conjure Excuse

late to class wizard gandalf - 6638599680

Gandalf Was Saying That Way Back in Elementary School

gandalf hacked irl secret - 6193017088
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