School of Fail


Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Grumpy Dawkins is Grumpy

Hall of Fame Memes socially awkward penguin - 6333130752
best memes are funny memes including those about star wars, pooping, tripping, barack obama, dating, food, relationships, politics, police | weather report The storm has already blown 2929 several 29 transformers.  When you and your homie arguing about something and the google search confirms your intellectual dominance

The Best Funny Memes

We forced a bot to scour the web and find the funniest memes for 80 hours straight. These are the best and funniest memes from what that bot found: Want MOAR of the best funny memes? After extensive research, our data scientists determined that people want 2 things: The Best Memes. More of such memes, preferably funny ones. As we all know, the primary act that triggers the categorization of an image as a (funny) meme is a collective, slightly-accelerated exhaling via the nose by the masses who…
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Hipster Dawkins is Right

Memes richard dawkins - 6248995328
funny mad lads and their bold tricks | SageOfTheEnd My Mom couldn't find Google chrome so did this meme characters pointing at the browser icon on desktop | VANDALISM! No problem can adapt! SOLD Alan Stilwell 506.327.5006 kws CAPITAL REALTY KELLERWILLIAMS. SALE

Mad Lads Who Played The Game Their Way

No one is stopping them!
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Don't Be a Genius, Buy a Yearbook

yearbook Memes genius funny School of FAIL - 8384852224
Via DaBlaze13

Dropping the Science: BREAKING NEWS!

Astronomy bad joke Memes uranus - 6134392576

Zoidberg Wants Out of His Student Loans!

Memes student loans Zoidberg - 6044417280

Meme-ify Your School Supplies

Memes notebook school - 8174820864
Via shuckl
history memes, great britain, dank memes, memes, educational, roman empire, wwii, cold war | Mongolia: My army is amazing and nothing can stop invasion Japan wind: Jim Halpert Smiling Through Blinds | American Media Scary black man Black hold gun Panther Party funding school lunches, and make fist clothing and shoe programs, community shuttles and ambulances, and foodbanks, as well as testing half millon people sickle-cell anemia giraffe painting a woman in a red hat

Spicy & Slightly Educational History Memes

Learning and laughing go hand in hand
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Professor memes self, memeing.professor clapback students, studying, exams, funny.

Savage Professor Is Roasting His Students By Hilariously Meme-ing Himself

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Funny random memes, relatable memes, dumb memes, nerdy memes | IF YOU LOOK REALLY CLOSELY SEE 2 CLOWNS STARING AT EACH OTHER | going my room after starting political argument at dinner table Kingsman

48 Tasty Meme Treats For Restless Eyes

Flex those scrolling muscles.
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Too Real, Bro

Memes - 8755874048

Teachers, Y U Make Meme References??

bulletin board Memes - 5819448064
funny history memes | Hammer invented 8000 BC People 7999 BC: person in hard hat helmet using a hammer and nail

History Memes For The Splendiferously Learned

Yes, the knowledge beckons.
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Funny memes roundup from instagram and around the internet, dogs, cats, doggos, school, relationships, dating, drinking, driving, food, friendship, friends.

Today's 19 Most Hilarious Memes

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nice wholesome memes | TODD SPENCE @Todd Spence Actual photo service dogs watching Billy Elliot Musical as part their behaving theater training. My heart can't take | bro love is so strong earth rewards two men in hard hats holding heart shaped rocks

Wholesome Memes to Keep The Feels Intact

Things can still be nice.
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